Satire/Censorship about Animal Farm
A book plays important role in one’s life. There are many books that are published every year in all parts of the world. Censorship plays crucial part in censoring or banning the book. A book named “Animal Farm” by George Orwell is one of the books that is banned in many countries including America. Each book have their own reasons to get banned. News media and internet helps to let others know why each book is banned and what are the reasons behind it. “Censorship decision comes based upon the objection of the person or group, and challenges do not simply involve a person expressing a point of view” (People for).
In other word, everyone should have an opportunity to read any literature of their choosing
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The characters, memorably if quickly drawn, feel much more like real people than many characters in politically engaged writing who apparently are real people. There are many places in the world where George Orwell’s satire Animal Farm has at one point or another been banned, making reading it an act of political heroism. To say that the United States is not one of these places is an understatement. “Published in 1945 as the Second World War ended and the Cold War began, Animal Farm was made a selection of the Book of the Month Club and thus inducted into the mainstream of the mainstream of American culture” (George). It is easy to understand why Animal Farm “received so much official and quasi-official American approval: the story of animals who drive out their master Farmer Jones and run their farm by themselves, eventually succumbing to tyranny, it is a direct allegorical attack on the Soviet Union”(People …show more content…
Two horses, their frames withered with age, stand in one corner, swishing their tails to drive the flies away, and there are many more animals - cows, goats, sheep, and hens.” (Haleem). George Orwell spent his first days in India the Animal farm book says. So far reading goes, he was a strong man with strong opinions who can addressed some of the major political ideas, movements of his times with communism. He got his first success at the age when he was 11 years old. “Orwell noticed that the school treated the richer students better than the poorer ones. He wasn't popular with his peers, and in books he found comfort from his difficult situation” (Haleem). He was from British India but then he moved to England, United Kingdom. While in United Kingdom his must have understand the school system there. He was very impressive by his school staffs the way he made up smart and he was received “Orwell won scholarships to Wellington College and Eton College to continue his studies”
When Orwell's Animal Farm first appeared in 1945, it was taken entirely as a satire of the history of the Soviet Union and the attitudes and the actions of various Western nations. However, when one looks at Animal Farm more
George Orwell was a very famous author, he developed most of his fame in 1946 when he wrote the book Animal Farm. Animal Farm is a book about how animals can really talk and they want to rebell against man, and run the farm themselves. Orwell was actually really smart. The story was so much more than that, he hid a metaphor behind it. Do you wonder what his metaphor was? In his life he strived hard to have a good education. Orwell was actually born to the name of Eric Blair, then later decided to use George Orwell as his pen name. “He attended reputable educational institutions such as the St Cyprian’s School, Wellington College and Eton College on scholarships” ( By knowing a lot about the war and being in it himself, Orwell wanted to express what he knew.
George Orwell was one of the best writers of his time. He was born in India but studied in England. After seeing all the poverty going on in England during the early 1900s he started socialism
Harry Potter. The Giver. To Kill A Mockingbird. And Tango Makes Three. Of Mice And Men. The Witches. The list goes on forever. These are all books that have been banned for profanity, references to the occult and witchcraft, references to drugs and alcohol, and many other reasons. Censorship could have started as early as 339 BCE in Rome, when Socrates, a renowned Greek Philosopher, was sentenced to drink poison for his corruption of youth and his acknowledgement of unorthodox divinities (Newth 1). This was what modern censorship evolved from, the punishments becoming less and less severe from the poison drinking. Censorship is the act of limiting access and knowledge of ideas and materials, enforced by a higher official. Censorship should not be a concept used in society due to lack of civil rights, limited knowledge, and how censorship affects everyone.
Banned For as long as people have been printing their ideas onto paper, there has been conflict. Anytime someone voices their opinion, there will be those who disagree. This is an unavoidable truth. However, through the practice of banning books, it has been possible for certain individuals to deny others their right to freely choose what they wish to read.
Books are said to be teachers, playing an important role in providing information. The lessons and information taught in these books can initiate many thoughts and influence the choices one makes depending on the information that the book feeds the mind. A way that is used to control and regulate the books that the young people of society read and the knowledge there for them to grasp is through the use of censorship. Book censorship is the practice of officially examining books and suppressing unacceptable parts. Censorship is most often placed on books because of religious reasons, inclusion of sexual content, and as well as offensive language to prevent society from engaging intolerable acts.
Even though our world is getting more and more connected, censorship still remains one of the top issues that separate people from reading books. Books are the spreader of both bad and good knowledge and I believe that we should no longer contain or ban books just because they are offensive to certain groups in America. The debate on challenged books is a hot topic in America because the country is founded on a basis of freedom of speech.
The first side of this debate claims that banning books is for the good of the students, and parents should be happy that the school cares about the students and what they are reading. Robert P. Doyle shares his opinion about books and how they are banned because of the mild use of language, sexual content, and text against the government (Doyle). “So, in 1939, they wrote the “Library Bill of Rights,” which begins to articulate the library community’s philosophical position regarding censorship” (Doyle). ”For the book community, it wasn’t political content so much as sexual content that created censorship challenges and ultimately brought the issue to the attention of the courts” (Doyle). Doyle is the author of an article entitled “The American Experience”, he expresses his opinion for Pro banned books using statements such as above. Banning books is always for the benefit of the students, schools don’t ban them because they want to, there is always a reason for banning the book.
Orwell was a skilled writer in his own subset or style. He could use the furthest reaches of something to illustrate something else and at the same time deliver a message. Orwell wanted to tell many stories in one. He wanted to tell us many truths that only become evident when you look at Animal Farm not as a story about animals taking over a farm, but a story of corruption and the rise of communism. The fact is you can look at it as several other governments story of corruption, but it is closely linked with Soviet
Ever since the first book was published, there has always been some books that people cannot read for their strong language, sensitive topic, or explicit content. This has lead to the current problem we have today, censoring books. Last year there were about 300 books banned in the in the United States. Even well known authors have banned books. For example, Harper Lee, J.D Salinger, and even J.K Rowling. In addition, there are those who say that censoring books protect our children from explicit content. Sooner or later these children are going to find the truths about this world and will not know how to react. That is why if censorship continues, then this will harm our society from being able to grow even further.
Book banning has been used throughout history as a way to control the ideas of a society. It is “a form of censorship that attempts to control the dissemination of thoughts and ideas that some groups in society believe to be harmful”(“Book Banning”). Governments and religious bodies have tried to ban books with differing or revolutionary views. Today, the top reasons books are banned are because of sexual content, objectionable language, violence, homosexual themes, racism, and religion (Whelan). The argument of book banning is seen in communities, school boards, public libraries, and state legislature, and can involve governments, corporations, book publishers, and private citizens (“Introduction To Book Banning: At Issue”). Book banning
What is the true cost of knowledge? Throughout history, books have been banned for an array of reasons ranging from inappropriate content, offensive language, and sexually explicit material. When proposing a challenge in hopes of banning a specific book from schools and libraries, those in favor claim children’s’ innocence should be preserved and that children should not be exposed to inappropriate material found within some books simply because it is part of a school’s required curriculum. In defense of these challenged books, many say the ethics of free speech and the important life lessons gained from reading books should be considered. Several books are banned within schools and libraries because of their potentially offensive or sensitive content; however,
Often times in a communist society, a leader’s use of language can lead to abuse of power. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the farm leaders, the pigs, use unknown language, invoke scare tactics, and create specific laws, thereby enabling them to control other animals, to suit their greedy desires, and to perform actions outside their realm of power. Because of the pigs’ use of broad language, implementation of scare tactics, and creation and manipulation of laws, they are able to get away with avoiding laws and convincing other animals into believing untrue stories and lies that are beneficial to the pigs.
There is a book out there that talks about a topic that you do not agree with. While you may find the book offensive, others may find it inspiring or a reflection of their life. These varying points of view are what often lead to people calling for a ban of a certain book in a school or public library. This brings to light a topic that impacts all of us in one way or another, censorship in the form of book bans. This leads to a topic that can be the center of debate for many, whether or not we should allow the censorship of books, or other forms of media, in our libraries. And by censoring books, we are referring to taking them off of the shelves. Of course, many people have strong opinions on this. Coincidentally, I also have an opinion. My opinion is that we should not censor books, while making you understand why the idea of censorship in our school and public libraries goes against the fundamental values and freedoms that we hold dearly as citizens of the United States.
Some people do not realize that they affect the education of their children by banning certain books. The banning of books is banning the author's right to free speech which can hinder the education of Americans. In schools teachers have to worry about what readings they present to their students because they could have any parent coming after them for exposing their children to “heinous” or “bad” things when all it truly is, is literature used to broaden