Censorship Argument
I believe to ignore the threats and keep the books for the students.
Keeping the books could increase the students…
Vocabulary, seeing words they don’t usually see in other books.
Understanding of life, reading about things that happen in the real world.
Interest in books, reading one book may inspire you to read more.
No student should have to be told what to read or what not to read.
If they want to read a book about scary monsters then they should be able too.
It is the kids imagination that will change not the parents.
Books can change a child’s way of living or thinking out situations.
I believe that books play a key role in school so they shouldn’t be banned.
We use books for projects like autobiographies, research
It is understood why somebody may think that books should not be banned at schools because by doing this parents are hurting their children by restrain their knowledge. When a quality book is banned, the children lose the opportunity to learn from that book. It is better supported that, some books should be banned from schools because they can introduce students to unacceptable topics and teach them bad or useless
If the books have a bad influence or inapropriate language or pictures, then it should not be allowed because it may fall into the wrong hands.
As she’s doing this, her parents are discouraging her, and want her to stop, but she’s struggling with bullying at school, and her dyslexia. She realizes she needs her best friend, so she keeps investigating. After two years, she discovers that Monday and her little brother were murdered by her mom. I believe that high schoolers should be allowed to read this book, because it helps introduce them to what is going on outside of school, introduces them to injustices that happen in the world due to skin color, or how much money they have, and can help them learn how to use
Are school boards or administrators imposing their views of morality, politics, or religious beliefs? Who has the power to violate our freedom to read? We, as citizens of the United States, are guaranteed to the freedom to read in the U.S. Constitution. Are they attempting to take these rights away by banning books? There are activists, both private and public, that are trying to curtail our selection of books through demonstration, letters, and books of their own. If books such as One Hundred Questions and Answers About Aids by Michael Thomas Ford or The Bible are banned from stores across the country, how are we supposed to educate ourselves on real life issues like aids and religion outside classes? We need resources to find out facts we want to know and maybe are embarrassed to ask. Reading in Education, we've been taught that since day one in schools. It is not fair, or is it, to take away books which some people may find educational to their circumstances, if The Bible is abandoned,
Finally yet importantly, freedom to read is one of the reasons that oppose banning Of Mice and Men. According to the first Amendment, the government shall not intervene or prohibit the freedom of speech and press ("Cornell University Law School"). Long ago, the Founding Fathers had cherished freedom of humankind and they composed the Constitution to protect Americans’ freedom. Liberty has followed the United States for centuries and helps leaders develop a stable political system. Hence, authorities have no rights to restrict what citizens should and should not read ("American Library Association"). One can draw conclusions based on what they read, but that person may never prevent others from reading that information. One can warn others about the impacts of information, but that person should respect the right to read of others. If authorities decide what Americans may or may not read, the United States will become a dystopia, where citizens have no freedom except to comply to the leaders. Of course, no one wants that to happen, not when the Fathers had sacrificed themselves for the freedom of their children, schools should not ban Of Mice and Men, for it is a powerful book that helps fix the society.
Parents should have the right to decide what their child reads, but should not have the right to decide what is right for other children to read because not all parents have the same view on what is appropriate for their child to learn in school; as Jones stated, we must all respect each other’s differences. Educators should also be able to freely decide on what they feel is appropriate for their students to read. If a teacher chooses a book that has caused concerns in the past, they should alert the student’s parents of
Once upon a time, in a world not far from here, there are students who are forced to miss their annual train ride to Hogwarts, lock the wardrobe to the magical land of Narnia, and walk through the English countryside themselves instead of upon the back of Black Beauty. Why are these students deprived of those occurrences? They live in America, the land of the free- except when it comes to the books they can read. In fact, many schools across America exercise the practice of banning books. Since 1982, libraries, parents, and schools have attempted to ban 11,300 novels, according to the American Library Association. The essentially innoxious books are challenged for an assortment of reasons, including use of malapropos language, graphic or explicit
In addition, they believe that the content of the book could corrupt their kids’ moral sense. However, there are people that argue against the idea of censoring books in schools.
According to the American Library Association, the most common group of people, challenging a book being read in schools, was the parents of the students. Parents have a right to be in charge of what is put into the minds of their students, however just because one parent objects does not mean that the whole school should ban the book from the list. A solution for this book would be to enforce parental consent for books to be read in the classroom. If a parent does not want a book to be read in the classroom, then there should be other options for the student to read. The school and teacher should not trespass on a parent’s rights of raising their child. I believe that if a parent has a concern, they should go and discuss the problem with the teacher so that the teacher will be able to defend their reasoning for choosing the book to be read in the classroom.
I absolutely disagree with banning books. Banning books is not good policy for any educational setting but especally in schools. Books help the students better understand the cultural changes and the different point of view in their beliefs.
The question of censoring the Harry Potter books is a great debate among parents, children, teachers, and librarians. Parents always have the final decision of whether or not their own children will read the books, but when parents try to censor the books from all children, as in taking action to get it banned from a library or school, they step over the line and infringe upon the rights of other children and their parents. A mother and father know their own child best; they should be able to predict how their child will react to the contents of the story. They need to make sure that their children are at an age where they can handle all that is contained in the tale. This is how it should be with all literature. If parents do not want to have their own children read the book, then censoring the book is what they should attempt to do. However, they do not have the right to censor it for anyone else’s children. In addition to the parents’ decision, children should also be able to have some say in what they read. If they wish to read the books against the will of their parents, then that is an issue they need to work out with their parents. Parents can only guide a child so far, and eventually at some point they will have to learn to trust their children’s decisions.
Books are a gateway to a world of imagination, but some schools are trying to shut those gates off by banning them. Books are some of the best teachers left, it's not up to a school to decide what a child should or should not read. Banning books can deprive a child of the opportunity to think. Books should not be banned because of the lessons they can teach, the fact that a school should not even be able to ban them, and it can deprive a child of the opportunity to think.
It is my belief that since by the time the child is required to read such literature in school, they are at an age where they can distinguish between things that should and should not be said and it is the job of the parents to educate the child that just because they say it in a book does not mean he or she should.Another subject common to banned and censored books is sexuality.
Every year, hundreds of books are challenged, banned, and/or removed. According to American Library Association, more than 11, 300 books have been challenged, banned, or removed in schools and libraries across the country since 1982. The reasons why books are banned were discussed during an interview between Time For Kids and the director of ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, James LaRue. "Books are banned because they fall under one of these categories of controversy: Religion, Sexual Content, Profanity, or Race." (LaRue, 2016). Many books that have been banned, at one point in time, fall under one these categories. Some more well-known books included: The Holy Bible, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Catcher in the Rye, To Kill
There has been a move by many to ban these books, but is that really the answer to the problem? As a mother, secure in my belief, I want my children to read these books. I want my children to be angry, to form their own opinions based on what they read, to understand what people in other times were put through, and most importantly, I want them to understand who wrote these books and why they were written.