
Cesare Lombroso 's The Modern Criminal Justice System

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“A drug is any chemical entity or mixture of entities, other than those required for the maintenance of normal health, the administration of which alters biological function and possibly structure” World health organisation (1981). Cesare Lombroso’s (1835) proposed that people were “born criminals” through human development and that criminals could be identified by features such as large ears or slopping foreheads. Although this theory is not used anymore in modern society, Cesare Lombroso’s (1835) is still recognised and credited for positivism and the scientific study of crime. Cesare Beccaria (1738) believed that criminal offences could be deterred by a form of punishment such as deterrence, and that people possessed a free will. Cesare Beccaria (1738) “theory is the foundation of the modern criminal justice systems” (page 260). “More people are arrested each year for drug-related offenses than any other type of crime, and taxpayers spend tens of billions on arresting, prosecuting and jailing offenders for drug crimes” In this essay, I, will be discussing how the criminal justice system responds to drug offenders.
Offences under the misuse of drugs act can include: “possession of a controlled drug, possession with intent to supply to another person, production, cultivation or manufacture of controlled drugs, offering to supply another person with a controlled drug, import or export of controlled drugs and allowing premises you occupy or manage to be used for the

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