
Ch 10 Consciousness

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Ch 10 Consciousness

The Freudian theory of dreams focuses on two distinct aspects of dreams, manifest content and latent content. The manifest content is the dream as it is remembered. It is the part of the dream in which the individual is cognitively aware. The latent content is the hidden meaning of the dream. It is the part of the dream that holds all of individual’s unconscious thoughts desires and wants. Freud believed that by uncovering the meaning of the latent content, a way to resolve daily struggles or issues would be clear. When interpreting dreams, Freud followed an interpretation that took components of dreams and made them sexual, such as losing at tooth, and related it to a fear of being castrated. William Domhoff proposed the Neurocognitive theory of dreams. He claims three areas of research that bolster is theory. Dreaming is dependent upon the normal functions of specific areas …show more content…

He selected men and dubbed one the “learner” and one the “teacher.” The learner was always a confederate of the experiment. The learner had electrodes attached to his arm so that the teacher, through the use of electric shocks, could correct him whenever he answered a question incorrectly. The volts ranged from 15 volts to 450 volts. The study concluded that people are likely to follow orders given to them by a perceived authority figure, even if another man’s life was at risk. Milgram found that people would be more likely to follow authority if they feel the authority figure is morally right. I absolutely feel that people today would behave the same way as they did during the experiment. Just because people know of the Milgram experiment and know of the atrocities of the Holocaust and factors like group think does not mean that they would act any differently. I know that this would not be repeated because of the regulations set today, but I think it would be interesting if the experiment was redone, but with factors such as race and

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