The name of the video I viewed was “Ch10. Gender Development". I viewed this video at 8:14 PM on April 27, 2016. The video begins with the narrator introducing a woman that is studying the effects of how we treat children on gender development. Her name is Dr. Caroline Smith. She is sitting at a desk watching a baby and a mother interact. The video then shows her telling a mother about a baby that she will be playing with while she studies them. The narrator explains that Dr. Smith does a study using mothers. She asks the mothers to play with children that they have never met previously. She analyzes the difference between how others act towards boys that towards girls. Different mothers are shown playing with different children. Dr. Smith
In the excerpt “Why Do We Make So Much of Gender?”, from his 1997 book The Gender Knot: Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy, Allan Johnson argues gender through identity and culture. Johnson starts out by expressing opposition on how women are looked at through a patriarchal society and not the biology from which they came. He mentions the feminist argument that women in a patriarchal society are “oppressed” and that this comes from social order (545). He goes on to point out, the focus should be on raising children to adulthood rather than worrying about reproduction. Although, I agree with Johnson’s arguments, there are things in this world that cannot and should not be changed.
Another perspective to consider when exploring the absence of women in Jekyll and Hyde is the curious descriptions regarding Hyde. Doane and Hodges state that “many descriptions of Hyde’s physical characteristics are congruent with cultural descriptions of femininity” (69). As a result, perhaps women are not seen much in the novella because Hyde operates as the sole feminine representative. He is small in stature like women typically are, walks with a quick light step swinging his arms instead of walking with a heavy step, and weeps like a women. Many critics argue that Hyde’s size and even his walking pattern represent outward manifestations of his morality. In regards to size, his small stature references stunted growth in the area of moral
I watched each child developmentally as a unique development has his or her own personality and style, also they are different developmentally about which development aspect will grow before the other one like language versus motor within the normal developmental milestone. The gender differences represented within the movie while I observed the differences between the motor development introduced by the males and the social and the language skills introduced by the female. Also, the gender interests between the males and females and how each gender was interested to play differently. Although all the children in the movie were from different countries, different cultures, and different environment, but all of them had common factor like; the desire of surviving, the ability of adaptation, the desire on attachment, the hunger for learning, and the stages of the development. The all children were following the same order of the development like the motor skills; motor reflexive behavior, uncontrolled actions, respond to others, reach his or her feet by hand, sit with help, move from side to side while sleeping, sit independently, caroling, stand with help, stand independently, walk with help, walk independently, and
The novel That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis is comprised of a lot of gender issues, especially concerning the two main characters. The two main characters are Mark and Jane, a married couple who struggle with their roles as husband and wife. Chapter 1 starts with a quote from Jane that states, “Matrimony was ordained, thirdly for the mutual society, help, and comfort that the one ought to have of the other” (That Hideous Strength, 9) That quote ran through Jane’s mind throughout the day, during her daily house cleaning duties, and while she was waiting on Mark to call and say he would not be able to attend dinner due to work taking longer than expected. Based on that knowledge, it is easy to say that their marriage had trouble from the very
A study was preformed by Emily W. Kane, focusing on the responses of parents toward their preschooler’s gender non-conformity. The studies concluded that girls were more likely to be praised for non-conforming to their gender, to act more like boys at their age, but young boys were more policed on staying within their gender. Most Parents tried to discourage their sons from feminine clothing’s, toys, or activities; “He’s asked about wearing girl clothes before, and I said no. . . . He likes pink, and I try not to encourage him to like pink just because, you know, he’s not a girl” one mother stated (Kane). Fathers in particular seemed to be even more negative about their sons displaying femininity, as Kane states that fathers may “ feel a since of responsibility towards crafting their sons masculinity” (Kane). In one video centered around the opposition of James, a pastor brought up
Sharon Begley bring to light that many of the studies claiming sex differences within the human brain have been falsified. Many of these types of studies depict things that separate people of different genders into stereotypical depictions of gender roles. Gender roles and expectations can have negative impacts on parenting and growth development. The point that I found both interesting and important is how adults treat and or classify infants before the infant has self-recognition of their own gender identity. It never truly occurred to me that adults are mostly responsible with how children perceive their own gender. Beginning with gender conformity, I found the results regarding doll preference to trucks very interesting. Children have been
Can I just say that I was not sure where Raising Gender Healthy Kids was going but I am glad it wasn’t as abruptly homo- and transphobic as the Christian community can sometimes be. The writer still embodies all of the heteronormative rhetoric that is traditionally Christian but it at least doesn’t perpetuate the stereotype that gender queer/ Queer kids come from broken homes with overbearing mothers or absent fathers. Oh wait. I guess it did do that. I am fairly glad that this piece does allow for the differences in cisette children to be accepted as they are. Because, in fact, my God does make everyone different and does not shame us for those differences. As a matter of fact, my God gives us agape love, which is perfect, unconditional love
Dear Wasan Ratchuphan, I agree with your post that the author used background information, statement, and example to persuade the audience to believe this movie. This is an actual problem in our society, and people, who have daughters or plan to have baby girls, should take action to equalize the social gender stratification. Indeed, she convinced the audience by put some her background and her plan for her daughter in the future. Moreover, she try to interview some professors and people who work on the field. These people's background knowledge made her statement more believable and credible. Furthermore, the example on this video is very specific and it help audience understand the author. I also agree with you that this video has a very
There's been a considerable measure of discuss the forthcoming fall TV season in the US being the most assorted one as far as throwing, ABC's new show Black-ish entering its first season. Be that as it may off camera, the writers' room remains to a great extent the space of white men.
The role of communication as a tool for developing and maintaining close relationships cannot be overemphasized. Communication plays a pivotal role as the backbone of organizational and relationship success. Chapters nine and ten of Gendered Lives by Julia T. Wood judiciously highlights gender dynamics in organizational communication and communication in close relationships. Firstly, the presumption that men can’t handle feelings is wrong.
Having a baby is normally a joyful experience, but for those mothers it was the complete opposite. The video helps people to see what they’re going through; consequently leading to people feeling compassion for them and assisting in any way
In the “Domestic Divo? Televised Treatments of Masculinity, Femininity and Food” Rebecca Swenson explores the role of the women and men in the kitchen in America and how the kitchen has helped in defining gender roles in America. Swenson analyzes the gender theory in relate to how Food Network applies traditional gender roles and gender is socially constructed. Therefore, the kitchen becomes a place where it employs ideologies about feminine and masculine traits. For men, grilling helped to preserve masculinity. Professionalism: most of the professional chefs are male. Shows on the Food Network will often times be a way to show off professionalism such as Emeril Lagasse. Show off their restaurants, food knowledge, and culture such as Good
women that sends the wrong message to young girls and boys. After watching this documentary,
Throughout the various texts and films we observed this semester, there were a multitude of underlying themes associated with each. These themes do not live in a textual or film related vacuum, but rather offer major implications on given Middle Eastern cultures. In the fictional film Offside, directed by Jafar Panahi, he decides to zero in on the complex culture within Iran. He illustrates the culture within Iran by employing the 2006 World Cup qualifying soccer match between Iran and Bahrain as a metaphor of the various social dynamics attached to this sporting event and the country as a whole. That said, there are numerous underlying themes associated with this film. In this paper, however, I will
West and Zimmerman claim that gender is not something we are but something we do.