
Challenge Or Be Challenged: Challenge Or Be Challenged?

Decent Essays

Ever wondered what all possibly life can throw at any moment in time? What if it throws a curve ball, worst case scenario never encountered thus far? Consider any walk of life; personal, professional, situations of all sorts surround us everywhere, controllable, uncontrollable or whatever one might classify them within particular frame of mind at any given instance.

No amount of plan is plan enough to respond to random spontaneity of events and circumstances that one might encounter off guard and at times there are only two options left to choose, "Challenge or Be Challenged". The two represents two sides of the same coin but widely differ in their approach, one being front foot and other being back foot or even without a stand to take on …show more content…

have to undergo to respond and adapt to whatever challenge is thrown at them. Being real life combat ready is equally important to efficiently and effectively respond to any unprecedented situation without losing sight and giving up.

Life cannot be linear, while all precautions are taken to ensure a smooth going and possibly maximize the crest element, one can only be sure to minimize but not eliminate the trough element that comes along as part of life's rhythmic pattern. Holistic Contingency Planning and Mental Agility is therefore important not to get overwhelmed and avert situations that can possibly result in tribulation.

It takes nothing to procrastinate or surrender and be a victim to the situation, but having lost without a fight is one missed opportunity about a possibility to win. Knowing ones strengths (Life Skills), challenging situations can provide stimulus to unfold new dimensions to tread never thought before territories challenging the status quo and in the process becoming enterprising and versatile.

Breaking barriers to overcome obstacles one can catapult on to trajectory towards success with undeterred conviction ardently harnessing ones strengths, taking on the Challenge rather than Being

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