
Challenges Facing A Growing Food Shortage And Food Waste Problem

Decent Essays

Most of us, when presented with a foreign meal usually ask the question “well, what’s in it?” Underlying this question is the notion integrated into all of us that we have a right to know. Now, we are not always talking about legal rights when we ask. Most times, we simply think the other person has a moral obligation to tell us. Inarguably, human life is fickle. Physically, we are one of the weakest beings on this Earth. Hence, this question, simple as it may seem, is crucial in ensuring our survival. Today, we face the simultaneous challenges of a growing food shortage and food waste problem. Considering the nature, characteristics, and source of these problems, it appears that a deontological perspective can best remedy the situation …show more content…

However, ironically, even in these bountiful countries, there exists a significant part of the population that lack access to food. If the manufacturers asked themselves, “could I live on the food I am marketing at the rate I am pushing for consumption?” and aligned their own interests with the interests of everyone else, the quality of food in the market would not be compromised. Similarly, this logic would also solve the problem of food waste because the person disposing of a ton of unconsumed food would ask himself “what if everyone in the world disposed of a ton of food today?”
Prior attempts from utilitarianism to try to calculate and predict which decisions will yield the best results has obviously not worked. The result of the cost benefit analysis upon which governments have decided policies have proven to be inaccurate due to the existence of the food crisis. The wellness of its people is the fundamental duty of a government. If the government truly made decisions based solely on its duty to the people and withdrew itself from adverse and unnecessary politics, we would not find ourselves in this crisis. Large firms spend millions on lobbying to nurture and fuel their unethical practices. They also spurt out threats of laying off thousands of workers if their grasp on the market is not sustained. However, on the other hand, the subsidies continually received by these large firms are costing the people their

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