As I start my first semester as an official registered nurse on the road to earning my bachelor degree. I can’t help but think of the challenges I will have to overcome along the way. Many RN’s may have fears of returning back to school after a long break, that is not the case for me. I earned my associate’s degree in May 2016. So returning back to school is as if I didn’t leave. Except this time it will be more time consuming and I will have to learn how to balance each role I play a little more strategically. Since May I have added another role, I am a full-time RN. So along with that I am a mother, a student, and a partner. With deciding to go back to school I now have to realize that I may see a role conflict or strain. In order to limit
As my senior year here at Jersey College of Nursing moves quickly to its end, I reflect on how far I have come and what exactly my experience here at Jersey College of Nursing has meant to me.
Deciding to go back to school is one of the best decisions I have ever made; however, with four children and full time employment, I initially wondered how I was going to accomplish it. It has not been easy, but I have enjoyed the ride. What I have learnt doing the RN-BSN program has enabled me to be a better nurse than I was (though I have always considered myself excellent in assessing, diagnosing, intervening and evaluating my patients). I am ready and excited for the next stage in my career, being an Advanced Practice Nurse.
I certainly look forward to completing the RN to BSN program on schedule. As an experienced and competent RN of 12 years, my management has given me an opportunity to serve as an intermittent Charge Nurse and a Preceptor on a 24-bed surgical unit. I serve as a Charge RN to my colleagues as well as a preceptor to new hires with BSN degree. I have a good rapport and a good working relationships with my
The beginning of a new graduate nurses career rarely begins easily, there seems to be a distinct disconnect between the fantasy of what it means to be a nurse and the reality of bedside nursing. Nursing school seems to feed into this disconnection, in that it does not prepare the new graduate registered nurse (NGRN) for their professional practice. What nursing school does is give the NGRN the basics, a peak into what is to come. The NGRN has to find out for themselves what the true meaning of being a nurse is and if it fits their preconceived ideas.
Transitioning from an licensed practical nurse to a registered nurse is of the hardest things I have ever done. Twelve years ago I took my boards and became a licensed practical nurse. Going to school to become an LPN was difficult, but I was not a mother and I did not work full time as I do now. Getting to know the students I attend school with has made me realize that each student’s role transition is different, with unique outlooks and emotional roller coasters. In the following paragraphs I will preview licensed practical nurse to registered nurse role comparisons, my change in
In recent years, many adults have found themselves underemployed, jobless or without the necessary tools to compete in today's job market. Therefore, deciding to return to school (or start) has become almost a necessity. Enrolling in school as an adult can be stressful. Other factors such as having a family to take care of and a house to manage, further complicate the decision. As some of today's adult students are finding out, it is doable if that person has the right mindset, strategy and support.
Due to the continuing increase of living it’s nearly impossible to be able to live alone. Since the demand of a higher education for better paying jobs is at an all time high trying to juggle a full-time job and returning to college is more than difficult at times. Frank, a full-time employee decided that he’d better himself by returning to college. Never considering that times have changed, he still continued to work and go to school. He stretched himself to the max; he worked late hours and then stayed up doing homework until the early morning only to have to get up and return to class to repeat the long days over. Several weeks passed, he realized that he was never going to be able to get ahead to matter how hard to tried. He was very aware that if he stopped taking classes his chances of being something in the world were even slimmer than if he continued and somehow managed to do both. Frank decided that no matter how tough these next few months were going to be he wasn’t going to let it stop him from meeting his goals.
Over the past three and a half years of undergraduate education, I have received a very comprehensive education that has prepared me to function as a professional nurse after graduation next week. I have appreciated and truly enjoyed taking courses both within and outside of the University of Southern Maine nursing curriculum, and don’t believe I am able to count the ways in which this education has challenged me to become an enhanced learner and well-rounded person. I have identified three courses that have brought me to the role I will now assume as a professional baccalaureate-prepared nurse: one of which is a core course; another, a non-nursing course; the last, a non-clinical nursing course,
On August 2015, I started the RN-BSN program with the Transition to Professional Nursing as my first course. I took one class at the time because I was working as a full time nurse at the same time. I did not take a break and started a new class each start date because I wanted to complete this program as soon as possible. The journey has been a long, hard road and the stress was constant and many times I felt that I could not complete it; it has been a difficult but very satisfying journey.
Many nursing students prefer completing their B.S.N-RN programs and enrolling for FNP programs immediately. Some prefer becoming responsible for a home, job, or even a family after finishing their education. On the other hand, others prefer to start their nursing specialty career as soon as they can, rather than beginning with being employed as a general RN for some time. One benefit of nursing students who enter FNP programs sooner is that nursing students who graduate sooner have already acquired the habit of creating time for studying, taking exams and attending classes. Once a nursing student stays out of class for some time, it can be difficult for the student to develop such
I am a recent baccalaureate graduate of Charleston Southern University. I received my Bachelor of Science in Nursing in May of 2015. On June 20, 2015, I received my NCLEX-RN results and became a registered nurse in the state of South Carolina. After considering my options for a graduate program, I happily accepted my offer from Case Western Reserve University and moved to Cleveland to pursue my graduate studies. Over the course of my undergraduate career, theories were included in the curriculum but not in depth. It is for this reason that I am excited to partake in this course – to learn the foundational and applicable theories of the nursing profession.
The idea of returning to school to master new skills to compete in the workplace is an excellent goal for any working adult. However, it is important for the working adult to understand success is base upon the journey taken and the path chosen by someone. One must realize there will be many barriers and difficulties along the way; however, with dedication, ability to prioritize, and motivation to stay focus, I will succeed and graduate with my Master degree in Nursing in October 2017. For me to be successful in achieving this goal, there are different pathways that I must chose and followed. These are assessing my learning styles, finding ways to manage my time, money, and stress, and setting S.M.A.R.T goals.
I am striving to achieve professionalism and growth in roles and values while going through the bachelor’s degree in nursing program. I plan on taking each class one at a time, try to do my best, and gain the knowledge needed to grow in the nursing profession. By October 2010, I should obtain my bachelor’s degree in nursing, which will provide new opportunities, such as management, and educator positions. A bachelor’s degree in nursing will provide the opportunity to further my education to a master’s degree level.
I once heard someone say, “Find something you love to do and you’ll always be successful.” If you want to be in a field where you are continually learning, nursing would be the top pick. This paper will reflect the journey I have taken from Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) with the incorporation of my learning objectives from my clinical course.
Starting the Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelorette of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at Jacksonville University in June 2015 was a simple transition for me. I had graduated an Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) program in December 2014 and became a licensed RN in January 2015. I had just gotten hired for my first nursing position the month prior to the start of class and had not yet started working. I was very much still in student mode. While this makes it a bit easier to learn and process information in a classroom setting, I had no real world experience to help guide me. Through the knowledge I have gained as a student at Jacksonville University I have become a competent and well-rounded nurse. I am able to quickly problem solve and utilize critical thinking to identify and rectify issues. I have even put together, and will be presenting, and presentation about nursing practice for staff members at the facility where I work.