CHALLENGES THAT I HAVE OVERCOME: The proudest achievement of my life so far is graduating from the medical school. I earned my MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) degree after five years of hard work, patience, and sincerity from a renowned government medical college. But my journey to this achievement did not always lie on the straight line. Graduating from a government medical college was a challenge for me. Because I was born and raised in a very small town in Bangladesh. I started my primary education there. In the middle school, I was acquainted with human biology and chemistry. At that time, I used to wonder how these tiny cells, enzymes, proteins and DNAs perform their complex functions. This curiosity in human biology helped me frame my career plan. But the educational facilities were inadequate in my hometown at that time. So my family moved to the capital and I got admitted to one of the most prestigious high schools in the country. But as a small town girl, it was very difficult for me to compete in the admission test with the students raised up in the capital and got all the educational facilities. But I succeeded and successfully admitted to that school. I took physics, chemistry, biology and advanced math in the high school to prepare myself for the medical admission. I was an active member of the science club in school and participated in many science fairs across the country. My hard work along with the guidance of my teachers rewarded me with
A time in my life in which I have been successful is when I graduate from college. Even though this was my second degree I was going to receive, it was the next stepping stone to heighten my career in healthcare. It was an uneasy decision, but I was determined to achieve my Bachelor’s in Science in Healthcare Administration.
I came from a large family, with a father who has never been to college and a mother who has never attended a school. Despite this fact, they taught us how to work hard and get the best education possible in order to secure the best careers. They are now the proud parents of three medical doctors, myself included. Being a top student through my school years opened the path for me to go to medical school at the University of Algiers. I worked hard because I knew that everything I was learning would have a huge impact on the lives of my patients. This led toward choosing the most challenging and exciting specialty, Radiology.
I decided to pursue medicine while I was attending high school in Kolkata, India and fell in love with biology. I enjoyed engaging with people and developing meaningful relationships. I was looking for a path that would provide me with the skills to help others, both in my home country India and abroad. I felt that medicine can offer me an enriched career with the perfect balance of scientific challenge, intellectual stimulation and personal collection. Surrounded by the Himalayas in West Bengal, India, medical school further inspired my intellectual curiosity and cemented my professional identity.
After graduating high school, I was accepted to Alabama State University and decided to study Biology. I figured that this area would help me study living organisms, life processes and understanding the basic life processes that required different medical provisions. I believed that I would eventually find out if I wanted to studying medicine or counsel people. On May 7, 2011, I graduated from Alabama State University with my Bachelor’s degree in Biology. Then I volunteered at Jamaica Hospital emergency room alongside the medical providers and interact with the families of those who are medically
Every individual has accomplished achievements that they will always cherish. Whether the achievement is minimum or maximum , the significance of the triumph is of utmost importance to them. My personal achievement that I am most proud of is when I was blessed with opportunity to be picked as NASH student and observe the different physicians who helped with giving birth to the newborns. In those few seconds I realize that my passion is to become an OB Nurse Practitioner.
I was born in a farming family in a small town in southern India. My father worked in the agricultural field for thirty years. He realized while he was working that his children should receive the best education as he had faced many problems due to his illiteracy. This motivated my father to give me the best education without which I couldn’t have come this far. When I finished tenth grade, I had to choose either Mathematics or Biology and I opted for Biology as I had an affinity for science since my childhood. I always stood in the top ten of my class. I pursued my medical education at the distinguished institution, Guntur Medical College. I commenced medical school with the aim of becoming an internist.
The past few years I have had many unique opportunities and made many different decisions on the direction my life is taking. I have had multiple goals and challenges and where I am today has been formed with factors I did not always anticipate. For the last few years, I have worked in management, but before that I worked a variety of jobs. The different jobs I have worked have provided insight as to where I am now and how I would like to spend the remainder of my life.
My education has served as a critical role in influencing who I am as a person and has taught me valuable lessons in living a prosperous and happy life. My teachers and professors have created an environment where it was possible for me to grow intellectually while developing a positive mindset. As a result, I feel intellectually prepared for my envisioned career in medicine because I have gained essential qualities, such as diligence, determination, integrity, and consistency all the while motivating me to overcome any obstacle that I may face. In addition, my education has allowed me to positively adjust my attitude to the demands of the ever-changing world and inundate me with new life experiences that shape who I am. As a result, I have
Having a keen interest in science subjects, I am very much motivated to pursue my higher studies in Science and eventually would like to pursue a career in Medicine in order to serve the community. It is with the encouragement of my excellent teachers at James Ruse, I have achieved a few awards on the way as I prepare to face my HSC exams. Here are a few of these stepping stones:
For the majority of my life I’ve lived in San Francisco, right across the street from AT&T park. I’ve seen cities and towns all across America and I consider myself to be very lucky to have grown up in a place like San Francisco. Now that I’m older I realize that I’ve been able to have unique experiences that many people elsewhere may never be able to do. For example, some sunny days I would ride my bike or skateboard to the ferry building or fisherman's wharf with my dog. I also remember going to a secret spot at the baseball park with my granddad where we could watch a game really close to the players without going in the park. Sometimes I go to Crissy Field with my mom where we can easily catch fresh crabs with a net. My point is I’m
Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How did this challenge affected your academic achievements?
Dedication, determination and passion, which I follow in every sphere of my life, are key to success. During my high school years, I chose biology as a major and by the time I had graduated, my interest and curiosity in biological studies expanded exponentially. The more I was reading biology, the more I was engrossed in it, particularly in Molecular Biology. That was the moment, I decided to pursue a career related to these fields. So I got admitted into the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at University of Dhaka, which exposed me to the curious world of biochemistry and molecular biology, and satiated my thirst for life sciences. I became mesmerized thinking that how tiny molecules like micro RNAs regulate key phenomenon of the body
Since early childhood, I have been fascinated by the complexity of the human body. The curiosity for its functioning and potential dysfunction led me to medical school and allowed me to successfully complete my training at the University of Brescia In Italy; far away from my family, fending for myself, learning a different language, living in a different culture and studying without help.
Throughout my life, I have faced many challenges and obstacles that stood in my way. No matter the magnitude or even if there seemed to be no way possible, I always try and find a way. Every challenge that I have faced always required my maximum effort and was followed by success or failure, but this one is different. This is a challenge that I would have never in my life saw coming, this was a challenge where there was no succeeding or failing, but overall it made me a completely different person.
In life, we all go through challenges and it’s either we face them or walk away from it. Growing up, people will always have different ways of handling things that happens in their life. We can’t know what could happen and how we handle it because life is unexpected. As I see it is that if you tend to keep making the same mistakes, you’ll never get passed your past and if you learn from all of your mistakes, you can move forward with your life. Everyone has faced their challenges in their own way and not everything in life will be easy because I can tell you right now that no one’s life is perfect. Everyone has their flaws, but they're perfect in their own way possible.