As a student pursuing a Master's degree at Florida International University, I am aware of the future benefits of receiving a degree of this caliber in regards to career opportunities and compensation. FIU offers a variety of degree programs ranging from bachelor's to doctorates and professional degrees. However, there are existing programs that should be offered at a higher degree level which would significantly benefit graduate students and the university. One particular program that should most certainly be offered to students is a Masters degree in Health Services Administration. The university as well as graduate students are mutually being deprived of a great opportunity, therefore I am writing this memo in efforts to implement a …show more content…
The university is lacking superior resources that would adequately prepare graduate students of this field and facilitate their success on the job market. The College of Nursing & Health Sciences is missing out on an opportunity to expand graduate student enrollment. The university board could possibly react as if this matter is not significant. However, it is of grand significance that FIU offers a Master's degree in Health Services Administration, and the following benefits of a new approach will explain why.
Benefits of New Approach
Today's job market is extremely competitive. With more and more students graduating college with a Master's degree, it becomes progressively difficult for those who have only achieved a Bachelor's degree to compete. A Master's degree in Health Services Administration would benefit graduate students of this field out on the job market and increment their potential career salaries. In countless areas of work, college graduates that hold a master's degree allow them to earn considerably superior initial salaries than graduates whom only received a bachelors' degree in the equivalent field of study. Emily Driscoll, the writer of the article "Masters Degrees: Are They Worth It?" states that the National Association of Colleges and Employers, presents that there is an existing potentially larger opportunity in compensation for degrees of a
I found the program to be well rounded in the health care field and I am happy that I chose to continue with this program as an entry into the health administration field. This program has given me more opportunity to prepare an entrance into a professional environment of being of service in various health facilities and agencies, clinics and hospitals. The responsibility of the health administrator will encompass a wide variety of duties including but not limited to administrative, medical, legal and ethical requirements and brilliantly combines the overall knowledge of the business administration and the health care system.
I believe that the Master’s program will challenge me in subjects that I am not proficient in. I believe that the Master’s program will balance my education with a better understanding of the business aspects of health care. I do lack in a firm foundation of business knowledge and I am excited to learn. I know that the finance aspects of the Master’s program will be difficult for me but I will seek additional resources through the University of Phoenix. I also will utilize the resources I have around me on a daily basis with the current leadership I work with.
This report is a compilation of our conversation with Karen Gordon - Sosby, associate director at the Texas State University Student Health Center made for an interview report. Ms. Karan has been working at Texas state health center for 23 years. She started her career with a public health degree in health education and a business degree in accounting and later moved to administration. Interestingly she has been working at a single place from the start of her health administration career; she made a remark on the disadvantage the younger generations most often face by being too quick in leaving an organization. She said that organizations would like to hire those who are interested in staying with them for long, also she shared her own situation of how there are less chances that someone could fill her position with the same kind of experience and knowledge of needs of the university.
I am currently enrolled in Florida Atlantic University’s(FAU) Executive Masters in Health Care Administration program; with an expected graduation date of December 2016. My current employment with Aetna, an insurance carrier, has explored me to several areas of interest. Utilization management is my current role; however I do
“He who has health has hope. And he who has hope, has everything.”- Benjamin Franklin. The decision to pursue a lifetime of service within the Healthcare industry was quite easy for me. After witnessing the importance of having exceptional health care first hand, I want to do everything I can to assist others by ensuring that healthcare policies and procedures are followed properly. Without proper health care, a person can feel lost and hopeless. I believe that an Administrative Fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital will enable me with the necessary tools to plan, direct, communicate, and govern effectively in a health care facility.
Since the inauguration of my health care career at Keck Medicine of USC, I knew there would be no other academic institution that could better prepare me to excel at becoming a leader amongst the health care community. I have inquired with multiple USC hospital employees about the EMHA program, and all have spoken with high regards that USC offers an excellent healthcare administration master’s degree. I hope to be challenged intellectually while developing leadership skills necessary to mature into a successful leader. My work experience has prepared me to undertake the challenges that would be associated with remaining a full time employee at USC while pursuing an Executive Master of Health Administration.
Healthcare and healthcare planning are vital in today’s ever-changing world, without education and experience one cannot help patients or make policy changes that benefit all stakeholders. In addition, many people do not understand the ever-changing medical policies and treatment options that are available. Therefore, I am compelled to use my knowledge and education to coordinate healthcare needs of the people in my community. Whether this is managing outpatient care, inpatient care needs or healthcare resources. Therefore, the Marylhurst Healthcare MBA program and all three concentrations will enable me to obtain the skills I need to succeed.
The Master of Healthcare Administration degree is a popular choice among professionals aspiring to leadership roles in healthcare, but the research requirements for an MHA degree often represent a bit of confusion for prospective applicants. Many people assume that all graduate degrees require an extensive research component, even as students are attending rigorous classes in their chosen field. While true in many cases, this is a blanket statement that doesn't represent all graduate degrees or even all Master of Healthcare Administration programs nationwide. Before enrolling in such a program, it's important to understand the potential research requirements as well as the many alternatives to traditional graduate research placements.
New graduate registered nurses face many challenges when they are fresh out of school. They struggle in categories such as role transition, high performance expectations in a high acuity environment, and an increasing role of accountability in today’s growing health care field. Leaders in nursing have identified that nurses fresh out of school are ill prepared to meet the demands in today’s health care field (Reinsvold, 2008). A recommendation for transforming today’s nursing education is the creation of new graduate nurse residency programs.
At Nova Southeastern University I will obtain a Master degree in Master of Health Science. The program admits bachelor's-prepared health professionals with diverse work backgrounds, who have demonstrated the capacity to pursue a course of master's study and the ability to take more responsible positions in health care. Prior health care or health care administrative/management experience is required. Although perusing my master degree in Health Services Administration is not required to get a position in my career choice however, I would like to peruse it for a decent paying position to supply all my desires. I decided to venture out in my career choice due to the fact I am, extremely strong in Reading and analyzing information. My weaknesses are based on the financial side of my career. Reading has always been my strongest subject, because it effortless just to read and evaluate information then to do mathematics.
Freeman Hrabowski states, “College graduates are much more likely to be employed than those with only a high school diploma and earn substantially higher salaries.” He argues that the higher the education the better opportunity for job placement and a higher salary. For example, a person who has an associate’s degree on average earns approximately $7,000 more per year than a high school graduate. Furthermore, yearly earnings between high school graduates and bachelor’s degree holders working full time are $15,000. For instance, lifetime earnings over a career for a bachelor’s degree is
The Towson University Health Care Management Program curriculum and internship program has provided us with the necessary tools and sources to achieve the Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSA’s) listed in the Core Competencies. Even though we have been guided in the right direction, I find that I am not fully aligned or parallel with all the given
I am interested in pursuing an administrative career within a major health system. The UNC Fellowship Program will provide opportunities for me to : (1) gain operational and financial exposure to health care delivery within a nationally competitive health system; (2) acquire a diverse leadership perspective through shadowing and mentorship with Senior Leaders; (3) support UNC operational initiatives by leading at least one significant project that improves patient quality of care within a service line(s). In addition, I hope to learn more about how research interacts with clinical care and gain further insight and to see how the overarching strategy of UNC Health Care interacts with the School of Medicine and medical staff organization. My goal at the end of the Fellowship is to smoothly make the transition to a young leader in health care administration armed with the knowledge and foundation in health care management that I have acquired during the
The masters program will widen my scope of knowledge and skills in both the management and medical field. The program is in line with my passion and to accomplish it will be of importance to my career targets.
As a student in the Health Care Management program at Metropolitan State University of Denver, an internship is required before completion. Usually, the internship is fulfilled during the student’s last semester upon graduation, when they are a senior. Recently, the Health Care Management Foundations course (HCM 2500), has become a prerequisite before beginning the internship hours. A total of 150 hours are required during the internship course (HCM 4610). In order to register for HCM 4610, an internship site must be approved and locked down. This paper will discuss a potential internship program with the National Institute of Change. It will provide a brief overview of the organization’s history, the purpose of an internship, potential