
Benefits New Approach

Decent Essays

As a student pursuing a Master's degree at Florida International University, I am aware of the future benefits of receiving a degree of this caliber in regards to career opportunities and compensation. FIU offers a variety of degree programs ranging from bachelor's to doctorates and professional degrees. However, there are existing programs that should be offered at a higher degree level which would significantly benefit graduate students and the university. One particular program that should most certainly be offered to students is a Masters degree in Health Services Administration. The university as well as graduate students are mutually being deprived of a great opportunity, therefore I am writing this memo in efforts to implement a …show more content…

The university is lacking superior resources that would adequately prepare graduate students of this field and facilitate their success on the job market. The College of Nursing & Health Sciences is missing out on an opportunity to expand graduate student enrollment. The university board could possibly react as if this matter is not significant. However, it is of grand significance that FIU offers a Master's degree in Health Services Administration, and the following benefits of a new approach will explain why.

Benefits of New Approach
Today's job market is extremely competitive. With more and more students graduating college with a Master's degree, it becomes progressively difficult for those who have only achieved a Bachelor's degree to compete. A Master's degree in Health Services Administration would benefit graduate students of this field out on the job market and increment their potential career salaries. In countless areas of work, college graduates that hold a master's degree allow them to earn considerably superior initial salaries than graduates whom only received a bachelors' degree in the equivalent field of study. Emily Driscoll, the writer of the article "Masters Degrees: Are They Worth It?" states that the National Association of Colleges and Employers, presents that there is an existing potentially larger opportunity in compensation for degrees of a

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