Champion equality, diversity and inclusion
1.1 Explain the models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility.
Equality is to treat all as individuals; to respect race, disability, age, gender, religion, beliefs ,culture and sexual orientation. For all to be open to opportunities, to be treated fairly and respectfully, have rights and equal status in society and for all to reach their full potential. Diversity is to value that we are all unique and yet similar. We have different needs, interests, learning styles, language and personality etc.
Inclusion is to incorporate all of the above into our environment to participate in play and learning, to promote positive outcomes and the
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Under the sex discrimination act 1976, any staff of service users has recourse and protection from any discrimination. Its policy is to protect the staff and service user from discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation under The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003. It ensures that men and women are same as per as pay is concern. Under Equal Pay Act 1970, organization’s policy is to make sure that man and women are treated equally and not discriminated in terms of their pay. To promote equality , diversity and inclusion in policy and practice , my work place also compliant to other legislation like, Human right act 1998, sex discrimination (gender reassignment) regulations 1999, Employment equality (religion belief) regulations 2003 , Disability discrimination amended act 2005, Equality act 2006, Racial and religious hatred act 2006.
2.1 promote equality, diversity and inclusion in policy and practice
The organizations where I work promote equality, diversity and inclusion in both policy and practice. Staffs should regularly be reminded the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion in day to day practice. Staff should respect the choice, preference, ethnicity, origin, rights, and wishes of service users. Care staff should be allocated to service user to make sure that
In this assignment I am going to design a booklet explaining of how national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice. I am going to explain an assessment of the influences of a recent national policy initiative promoting anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings. Then I am going to evaluate the success of a recent initiative in promoting anti-discriminatory practice.
Unit 4222-303 Promote equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings
Page 5 - 1.1 - Identify the current legislation and codes of practice relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing diversity
The Equality Act (2010) is thought to be one of the most significant acts in promoting anti discriminatory behaviours by both employers and companies along with the rest of society. The Equality Act (2010) covers the Sex discrimination act, race relations act and also the disability discrimination and 6 other acts and regulation all in one and so this make it easier for everyone to understand their responsibilities and shows them how everyone is entitled to dignity and respect and gives individuals, greater protection from discrimination and to protect and also promote a fair and equal society (please see reference below).
Explain models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility.
M3 Analyse the effectiveness of the methods used by public services to promote equality and diversity in society and within the service
To resolve the disparate impact and to alleviate any discrimination all hiring managers must complete training in Equal Opportunity and diversity, this will emulate the best staffing practices by eliminating general barriers and bias, and reduce chances of unintentionally or intentionally discrimination in staffing. A recommendation to establish
1.1 Explain Models of practices that underpin equality, and diversity and inclusions in own area of responsibility.
In my role as senior I am responsible for ensuring that all individuals, their families, friends, carers and members of staff and those I work with (ty mawr) in partnership, are treated equally. Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect. There are many legislations, Codes of practice which ty mawr follow. The workplace policies which regulate equality diversity and inclusion with each area of responsibility. Below is a list of acts.
1.1 Explain the models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility
First of all is important to define what is meant by inclusion and inclusive practice. Inclusive practice is a process of identifying, understanding and breaking down barriers that compromise the children participation in their educational process, in their feeling of belonging and in their wellbeing in the
Key legislations and codes of practice relating to diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination in adult social care settings are:
1.1 Identify the current legislation and codes of practise relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity.
I will give a description of the routines that should demonstrate an understanding and value for equality and diversity.