This week’s reading of Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success goes into further detail on how to use the six influences for the advancement of ourselves personally or worldly. It goes through each of the six different influences and shows interesting and different ways to combat these influences and turn them in favor of the goal. The best way to change personal motivation is to learn to “love what you hate.” This can be done by either going to where you want to be today, that is hanging out with those who are where you want to be because they can inspire you and encourage you, or to create a motivational statement using vivid word to describe what you are not anymore and what you are striving to be, or by linking goals to fun and making a game. …show more content…
Or if avoiding a certain temptation is not an option, then simply find ways to distract yourself while in the area of temptation, just like the kids with the marshmallows. When it comes to social motivation and ability the key is peers. When you redefine normal to be in line with your goal, you will have to figure out who is your friends and who is your accomplice. Accomplices can be turned into friends sometimes through a transformation conversation. Otherwise, you will need to distance yourself from accomplices and spend that time with friends
Attitude impacts everything. The book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck explores two mindsets that impact achievement, development, and to some degree, success. One of these ways of thinking is the fixed mindset, where abilities are set and cannot be improved upon by much. In a fixed mindset, each situation is a chance for success or failure, it is not seen as a chance for improvement. Those with a fixed mindset do not have an accurate gauge of their abilities, as failures or achievements are not cataloged as room for improvement or a possibility to learn. The other mindset, that of a growth mindset, is characterized by the belief that there is room for improvement, and that both successes and failures should be used as
Sometimes it’s easier for someone else to motivate a person than for that person to motivate themselves, but I believe the theory discussed in the book “MIND OVER MOOD” that a person has to change the way they think in order to change how they feel. If they change their perspective on things their motivations will change too. Motivation to me is this - setting goals, hammering into your mind to finish what you’ve started, associating with motivated people and positive thinkers, and being persistent and patient.
This project is all about maximizing your personal brain power by changing something in your life all while following the steps of changeology.The steps include psych, prep, perspire, perspective,and persist which all include useful information and guide you to achieving whatever your goal is. Using these methods I will change for the better and improve my daily routines all while keeping track of my progress throughout the course of two weeks.As for this week I will present to you the first two steps of changeology which include psych and prep.
After just reading the first few chapters of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck, I knew that I wanted to minimally share the concepts of growth and fixed mindsets with my students. After reading, the chapter about teachers, parents and coaches 00000, I realized that sharing the mindsets with my students would not be enough. I want mindsets to become part of the campus culture at San Pasqual Academy.
**Analyse what looses your motivation** - Now it is the hardest part. Go back to the time or to the incident which hurts/haunt you the most. Like if you have done something instead of anything else, the current scenario would be different. Analyse what right you should have done to change the past. It helps you to be more responsive toward coming situations.
When coming to understand both mindset and grit we come to a realization that it is all in your head. One can not physically hold grit. You can not purchase mindset anywhere either. To fully have a hold of grit and mindset a person has to do some inner soul searching within themselves. To understand the basics of grit, we first have to understand mindset. I feel that having the right mindset is an essential because it is the direction in which you choose to go in.
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People starts off with an introduction to the concept of Paradigm Shift which is, essentially, a change in basic assumptions. Author Stephen R. Covey prepares the reader to have a change in mindset. Covey explains that there exists a different perspective amongst individuals. Two people can see the same thing but each individual can have a very different understanding from one another. The first three habits introduced in the book deals shifting from dependence to independence.
When people talked about the leaders of some famous companies, they firmly believed that these leaders leadership talent is born. In the book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”, Carol S. Dweck discussed the fix mindset and growth mindset how to affect themes such as sports, business, relationships, and parents. Leaders with fixed mindset feel that they are superman or a genius, consider that employee who has more ability be more useful than the person who work hard and want to grow. Also, they also believe their company will not be defeated and replace. On the other side, leaders with a growth mindset preferred many people can become an excellent leader by hard-working and learn how to select people: for their mindset, not their pedigrees. Although both mindsets can make a leader successful, the growth mindset person gained more success in business, since they have true self-confidence and think they are not excellent but try their best to learn, credit and nurture. They also know how to use feedback to strengthen their leadership and arrange the company 's employees appropriately. In the teamwork, they will work to solve the problem with staff quickly. They notice their improvement in their employees on the management side and also believe themselves can be educated in negotiation abilities.
Across oceans and seas, in every village, city or town, an apple falls at 9.8 meters per second squared. This fact has remained unchanged since it was discovered, and the myth of individual opportunity and the myth of gender in the United States have also stayed true to its original meaning since the beginning of the myths, only with a few minor changes. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word myth as “an idea or story defined by many people but is not true. These myths, in particular the myth of individual success and the myth of gender can give us unrealistic beliefs about the society we live in and cause psychological harm due to society’s preset gender roles that are pounded in our heads and reinforced by our peers, our families and the media. Through educating people about the realities that underlie these myths and finding ways to break free of gender roles as well as encouraging others to do the same we can start a movement to end the chains that tightly secure us to behave based on expectations.
It’s kind of hard to find something to be motivated about if you don’t have a goal to be motivated about. Figure out your goal and decide how you want to tackle it. When you have that down break your steps into smaller pieces. It won’t be so difficult and overpowering for you to handle. Knowing how you want to handle your task and know what exactly you need to do, you can mentally prepare yourself for it. So it won’t come at you all at once. That first task will be easier for you to do now that you’re motivating yourself.
Take a moment to think of those who have influenced you. Perhaps it was a counselor or a professor who took the time to listen to you. Or maybe, that person who let you borrow a pencil, or even saved the day when you forgot to buy a Scan Tron. We have all been there. Whatever it may be, a small breeze can change the course of any individual. Now I challenge you to be the change you want to see; be the butterfly, flap your wings, create gentle breezes that will shift and alter a person’s life and perhaps change the
For my Personal Success Project, I’m currently bouncing around the possibilities of either a poem or piece of artwork. I’m very interested in both reading and writing poetry so I think that would be the simplest choice. Furthermore, I find the idea of learning and expressing that knowledge through other outlets besides worksheets most satisfying. I also love art and would love to be able to utilize that creative side of myself. If I were to create an art piece it would most likely be a painting representing the task at hand in an abstract way. Ultimately my decision will come down to the amount of effort I wish to express on the project. Therefore, if I plan accordingly and don’t put it off I should be able to execute either perfectly.
Resist the urge to give into temptation. Instead, practice relaxation methods, yoga, the Emotional Freedom Technique, or engage in some light exercise to take your mind off the cravings.
Principally, I can change my behavior with some strategies I have looked at to curb motivation and complacency. First, to cultivate and maintain motivation I have come up with a series of exercises I need to complete when motivation is lacking. I have used this in studying for therapeutics this weekend. My first exercise is to make smaller goals out of one big goal. After completing a couple of goals I reward myself with a short game or break. I also keep my enthusiasm up by listening to wordless classical music while
It doesn’t matter if they are a businessperson, an artist, a successful athlete, or an inventor. They all have the attitude and qualities to rise above their own personal troubles and to see things others can’t or don’t see.