
Change In Fever By Raymond Carver

Decent Essays

Change is a natural part of human life and the world as a whole really. Whether it be a drought in California, a massive snowstorm on the east coast, or it could be a child being born, living in a new place, anything that is different is change. As humans we have the ability to overcome and adapt to the change, but that still does not make it less hard to deal with. One might deal with change by changing their mindset, letting it become normal again, or sometimes just ignore the change. In Raymond Carver's short story Fever, the protagonist Carlyle is experiencing major changes in his life. At the beginning of the story it describes what he had been going through the past few months on account of his life leaving him and his kids to pursue …show more content…

But he could not bring himself to explain his feelings to her. But Carlyle did explain that he needed help with the children, and his wife's friend talked to Mrs. Webster who had worked for him in the past, and set it up so she would call that night to talk over the job (109). In his mind he would have been thinking you are the one who abandoned your kids and me, why should I trust you to help me. In his bitterness he might of missed out on a great opportunity with Mrs. Webster. But as luck would have it, she called and agreed to come at 7 a.m. the next morning, he made the point of asking her if he could trust her. She replied absolutely, and everything would be alright from there on …show more content…

Webster with his kids and his house is one thing and he had become accustomed to it. But then he became ill with a flu that left him in bed for days, at first he denied Webster's offer of help. But as he became sicker he welcomed the help, and she fed him and gave him aspirin to break the fever. He still resisted but she would not hear any of it, and continued to take care of him and the children. Carlyle had let himself trust her with himself, and finally opened himself up again since his wife leaving. This is the resolution of the story, where the protagonist finally resolves the issue presented in the

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