
Changes In Juvenile Crimes

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In 2012 a ten year old boy in Southern California murdered his friend with a kitchen knife by repeatedly stabbing the friend in the chest. The suspect was said to have anger issues and a mental illness that he was medicated for. The boy, charged with felony assault and murder, was tried in a Juvenile Court and later sentenced to juvenile rehabilitation. Depending on the crime and age of a defendant, the Juvenile Justice System decides whether or not to put the case in the hands of the Juvenile Court and try them as children. Due to the defendant's unusual young age he was tried as a child,. Often times fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen year olds are tried as adults, when they should not be. The underlying assumptions about juveniles is that they are not developmentally able to be treated as adults, and that they can be put through rehabilitation programs and change for the better. Whereas adults are thought as not being able to change their ways, so locking them up is a more suitable answer. Juveniles are also thought of as not knowing their rights, leading to unfair …show more content…

The rate increased greatly during the mid 1990’s and then decreased dramatically after 1996. A Possible cause of the changes in juvenile crime rates may be parental negligence and a lack of discipline. In the early and mid 1900’s parents would smoke around their children, drink while pregnant, and allow their children to do as they pleased, today things are very different. Times have changed and what used to be acceptable has also changed. Today more high school graduates go to college than before, society has higher expectations for juveniles than it used to. The usage of juvenile rehabilitation has increased in order to keep this trend going. Prisons have also started to overflow, which may have a connection to the Juvenile Justice System assigning more cases to the Juvenile courts, as to not send “delinquents” to

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