
Chapter 12: Interpersonal Power And Influence

Decent Essays

For our class, on the 25th of April, we were able to discussed chapter 12: “Interpersonal Power and Influence.” We talked about power, the principles of power, resisting power and influence and misuses of power and influence. We started with the definition of power that is the ability to influence what other person thinks or does. I find power as one of the most desire possessions in the world, sometimes more desire than money. Having power means that you are able to influence others to do what you believe is true to a point that they follow your idealism. Having too much power can be bad because we might run the risk of becoming egocentric. For example, a person with the wrong concept and a feeling of superiority can lead to tragic out comes; for instance, Hitler most powerful weapon was the power and credibility that he had over the Germans to commit genocide against the Jewish. …show more content…

For example, most men feel uncomfortable when their wives make more money than then or are not under their dominance. I also like that power follows the principle of less interest; when we try to be funny, for instance, we might find out that we don’t have he power to make people laugh; however, there are people who can be the life of a party by just being themselves. As an example, I can talk about my mother; she is a woman of discipline who does not play around, but being naïve and a person of clean heart make people fall in love with her personality even when they don’t speak the same

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