Desiree Cottle
Case study #2: Osmosis
Part I
Wanting to please his dad Michael added extra fertilizer to their crops of corn thinking it would help the plants grow. However, the plants started dying instead. The plants died because of osmosis. Osmosis is water being moved across a membrane of a cell due to diffusion, which is the movement of molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration until molecules are equally distributed. The high concentration of fertilizer created a hypertonic environment around the root of the corn. A hypertonic environment meaning there is more solute than water outside of the cell, which causes water to move out of the cell. The water coming out of the cell causes the cell to shrink and reduces pressure on the cell wall, this process is called plasmolysis and is what caused the corn plants to wilt and die. If Michael’s mistake were caught earlier, he could have taken out some of the fertilizer or added
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When putting up his IV, he gave the patient Distilled water instead of saline solution, causing the patient’s death. The patient died because osmosis caused the distilled water in the patient’s bloodstream to create a hypotonic environment. A hypotonic environment meaning there was more solute in the cell then outside of it. Human cells have 0.9% sodium in them. When the distilled water entered the blood stream, the water went where there was more solute, which was in the cell causing the cell to undergo hemolysis and burst. This caused oxygen levels to fail because the red blood cells could no longer supply oxygen to the rest of the body. After Tom made this error there was not much that could be done to save the patient because the IV was dripping quickly and once the cells burst nothing could be done to repair them. However perhaps a blood transfusion could have been done to add blood cells if he noticed early enough and switched to the saline
his neurologic intensive care unit (NICU) stay, Y.W. was intubated and placed on mechanical ventilation, had a feeding tube inserted and was placed on tube feedings, had a Foley catheter to down drain (DD), and had multiple IVs inserted. He developed pneumonia 1 month after admission.
Keeping in mind your answer to the previous question, what do you believe caused the corn plants to wilt and eventually die?
Water diffuses across the membrane from the region of lower solute concentration (higher free water concentration) to that of higher solute concentration (lower free water concentration) until the solute concentrations on both sides of the membrane are equal. The diffusion of free water across a selectively permeable membrane, whether artificial or cellular, is called osmosis. The movement of water across cell membranes and the balance of water between the cell and its environment are crucial to organisms. ("Diffusion And Osmosis - Difference And Comparison | Diffen"). A semi-permeable membrane known as the cell membrane surrounds the living cells of both plants and animals. Both solute concentration and membrane permeability are
During osmosis, solvents move across a semipermeable membrane in order to regulate the solute balance within the cell (Campbell Biology). Experiment 5.5 was conducted to further research osmotic activity, particularly in potato cells in different osmolarities of a NaCl solution. The goal of the experiment was to find out whether the potato slices used would be hypotonic or hypertonic to the different osmolarities. This process is relevant because without osmosis, the passage of solvents would not be possible. To perform the experiment, seven potato slices were soaked in 5cm of a different osmolarity level of a NaCl solution (0M – 0.6M) to determine whether each slice was hypotonic or hypertonic to the NaCl solution it was placed in, based on percent weight change. The prediction that the potato slices soaked in solutions with lesser osmolarities (0M – 0.1M) of NaCl would be hypotonic to their solutions, and the potato slices soaked in solutions with higher osmolarities (0.2M – 0.6M) would be hypertonic to their solutions was supported by this experiment because the slices soaked in (0.2M – 0.6M) had
Farming in the Texas Panhandle is a lifestyle. Corn is one of the largest produced crops in the world and in the panhandle. It is a lot of families’ lively hood. These families grow many crops, but corn seems to be one of the most popular. In order to grow corn, they need water, but with the recent drought, these families have been struggling to find alternative methods to produce high yields. Everything from simply just changing their crop to something that needs less water to scientist engineering new breeds of said crop so that it can flourish with less water. In this paper I will cover some of these methods and hopefully give an insight to what these farmers are dealing with on a daily basis.
Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from high concentration to low concentration through semipermeable membranes, caused by the difference in concentrations on the two sides of a membrane (Rbowen, L.). It occurs in both animals and plants cells. In human bodies, the process of osmosis is primarily found in the kidneys, in the glomerulus. In plants, osmosis is carried out everywhere within the cells of the plant (World Book, 1997). This can be shown by an experiment with potato and glucose/salt solution. The experiment requires putting a piece (or more) of potatoes into glucose or salt solution to see the result of osmosis (a hypertonic type of solution is mostly used as it would give the most prominent visual prove of
The objective of this experiment is to develop an understanding of the molecular basis of diffusion and osmosis and its physiological importance. Students will analyze how solute size and concentration affect diffusion across semi-permeable membranes and how these processes affect water potential. Students will also calculate water potential of plant cells.
The hypotonic solution was the grape in the distilled water because this grape gained mass and grew in weight because so much water was absorbed by the grape, that the fruit could almost hold no more water and was about to burst. The most isotonic reaction occurred in the sugar water grape because this grape only gained .87g, so this means that the grape or “cell” was healthy. The cell membrane, or grape skin, determined how much water came in or out of the grapes. Osmosis occurred in the salt water solution because the grape goes from a high concentration to a low concentration so the grape loss weight and mass, and lost
After being reminded by the instructor, I was aware of my mistakes and noticed that I failed to maintain patient’s safety. An oxygen below 90% can be very dangerous for the patient, especially for a post-op day #1 patient, because prolonged hypoxemia can cause fatigue, headache, acute respiratory failure, cardiac problems (increased heart rate,
When a patient in a hospital receives an IV, the IV is not filled with water but an isotonic solution. If pure water was added to the blood stream, it would move to the area of higher solute concentrations, inside the red blood cells. The blood cells are hypertonic compared to the pure water in the IV tube. The cells would swell with water and most likely burst. Isotonic means equal concentration so you would not have any
Osmosis is a process in which molecules in a solvent pass across a semipermeable membrane into a more concentrated solution from a less concentrated one, attempting to make both sides isotonic or equal to each other. Isotonic can also be described as an equilibrium, where there is no net movement of the molecules. Osmosis is relevant in everyday life whether the general population is aware of it or not. It could be as simple as sitting in the pool too long and getting pruney fingers or as complex as a cholera infection in the intestinal cells that does not allow the intestinal cells
In this lab we are going to discovery how osmosis works using a semi-impermeable membrane a potato slice. Osmosis is known as the movement of water in and out of a cell. To understand how this works we must understand two terms. Hypotonic means the environment has less solutes compared to the inside of the cell. Hypertonic means that the environment has more solutes compared to the inside of the cell. With osmosis water will always move from hypotonic too hypertonic. So the question is will water move into the potato or out of the potato? Will these results change when placed in different morality of salt water? To calculate these results, we will measure the mass of potatoes cut into equal sizes then soak these potato slices in different morality of NaCl for thirty minutes and measure the mass change in each potato slice.
This experiment was used to examine the hypothesis that: Osmosis is dependent on the concentrations of the substances involved.
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to familiarize you with osmosis and, specifically, what happens to cells when they are exposed to solutions of differing tonicities.
The aim of the sixteenth of November experiments was to observe how three different solutions with various sucrose concentration influenced osmosis in relation to three onion cells and the impact on the cells structure.