
Chapter 24 Ap Human History Chapter 4

Decent Essays

Chapter 1 (First Peoples: First Farmers)

Seeking The Main Point- What arguments does this chapter make for paying serious attention to human history before the coming of “civilization.”?
It makes no sense to disregard 95 percent of human history. History is often defined by literature but scholars make a case that they have learned much about the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras through artifacts left behind those people. Also a breakthrough as great as the first agricultural revolution shouldn’t be discredited from the history books.

2.)Change - What was the sequence of human migration across the planet?
Human migration started from Africa , then led out to the Middles East. From there they went westward into Eurasia and eastward into Asia, all 45,000 years ago. With the …show more content…

The weather became more acceptable for growing crops which made it easier for humans across all niche. Also by the extinction of some land animals the push for new food sources increased. Over time their diets became more balanced (broad spectrum diet) and their farming technology increased.

7.) Comparison - In what different ways did the Agricultural Revolution take shape in various part of the world? In the Middle East they ate wild grains with the helps of sickles. In the Amazon they had learned to cut back on some to plants to encourage growth of favored ones. Horticulture varied from each region .

8.) Connection - In what ways did agriculture spread? Where and why was it sometimes resisted? Agriculture spread through verbal communication and the slow colonization of land caused by slowly growing populations. Some resisted the agricultural lifestyle since they preferred their free Paleolithic lifestyles more.

9.) Change - What change did the Agricultural Revolution bring in its

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