
Chapter 4: Civilization Of Children In The Medieval Age

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Chapter Four

Chapter four goes over the many great benefactors who have helped education become what it is today. This chapter looks into the way society has viewed children over the centuries, starting as early as the medieval ages. Also discussed is the discrimination against Native Americans, African Americans, and genders.
The theory I would like to delve into from this chapter is the theory from many centuries ago in the medieval age. I found the section that discussed "Miniature Adults" (page 117) theory to be quite interesting. In the medieval ages, society looked at children as being small adults. Because of the way of living back then, a child really didn't have a large window of acting like a child. They had to very quickly grow up and become independent. The section makes a correlation between the medieval ages and the 21st century by pointing out the growing trend of parents dressing their children like little adults and treating them older than their natural development allows them. More and more children are being hurried to grow up and it causes an increasing number of issues. …show more content…

Friedrich Froebel encouraged the idea of children as growing plants. He connected children to plants and parents to gardeners. Fun fact: the name Kindergarten comes from Frobel. Kindergarten literally means garden of children. The next term is children as property. Because parents are the ones who formed the child, they have most of the power over their minor and are able to raise their child in the means they want to, within legal limits. The last term is child centered. Child centered refers to the belief that every child is unique and they deserve to receive the best education possible for themselves individually. Teachers should observe and understand how an individual learns best and then make an adjustment to meet that

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