Chapter 5: Nitro Compounds Although the structures of touchy atoms change significantly, often, they contain a nitro gathering. This blend of one Nitrogen, and two oxygens (NO2), connected at the correct position has significantly expanded the world's capacity to take up arms. The ruinous forces of a blast originate from a stun wave caused by the extremely quick increment the volume of the nitro compound as it changes from strong or fluid into gas. This stun wave happens because gases have a greater volume than comparative measures of solids or fluids. Chapter 6: Silk and Nylon The properties of silk that made it so mainstream, its smoothness, its brilliance, and it appropriateness for an assortment of atmospheres are because of its Chemical Composition. It is a direct result of Silk's synthetic structure that it was so broadly pined for and exchanged. Silk was first found by the Chinese in c.2600 BCE. Princess Hsi-ling-shih first learned of this important string when a creepy crawly case fell into her tea and she understood that the silk could be loosened up and was reasonable for material utilize. The cover that fell into the Chinese Princess' tea was a silkworm's) case. As far back as at that point, silk has been acquired from the silkworm. Chapter 7: Phenol In the 1820s, healing facilities were messy. Numerous patients passed …show more content…
Other attempts at refrigeration included molecules such as Ammonia, ether, methyl chloride, sulfur dioxide were good refrigerants, but they either decomposed, were fire hazards, poisonous, or extremely bad smelling. Chlorofluorocarbons CFC met all the requirements for a good refrigerant, extremely stable, and had none of the unfortunate downsides of the other refrigerants. CFCs started the air conditioning industry because of its cooling properties, and because it reacted with almost nothing, it was ideal propellants for virtually everything that could be applied through a spray
Do you wonder how we went from trading with nearby countries to countries across the world.The silk road was the first superhighway that stared trade among other nearby regens.First, there had to be something to trade that other regens wanted for them self.In document A the chinese had silk,iron,bronze,gunpowder,and confucianism to trade and central asia had ferghana horse the chinese wanted the ferghana horse that central asia had and central asia want the chinese silk.In 1400 bce the queen of china was eating soup and a silk bug fell in her soup and she saw how beautifully the silk and demanded that her workers would make the silk and then werd got out that the chinese had a soft fabric and then other regions started to trade for the silk.Next,
Some of the amazing qualities of these materials are that neptune balls don’t catch on fire, and spider silk can be used to make stuff like bandages, fishing line, clothes, rugs, blankets, and many more.
While I was at the hospice house, it became very busy. They had two patients already admitted when I arrived, and while I was there they received three more patients. Whenever a patient is to be admitted to hospice,
The reason the Chinese won’t let the outsiders know how to make these silk is because the process of it is hard and they depends mostly on trading these silk for the stuff they needed. Another continuities is the geography of the silk road. The silk road is consist of many route, some is shorter but dangerous while other is longer but safer. Even though some of the routes have changed and there is more variety of stuff that’s being traded than when it was started (e.g. Gunpowder) and the purpose of the road also expanded like people use it to spread religion and unfortunately is also been a route where disease easily spread (e.g. Black plagues) The continuity is the geography of the silk road never changed because both the European and Asia gained much profit from it that it doesn’t need to be change and the Silk Road remained the major trade route between Far Eastern Chinese and European cultures and sparked numerous conflicts in its existence.
Silk has been in existence for thousands of years and has connected to the world in many significant ways. Silk is often just seen as a luxury fabric, but it has been monumental to agriculture and collective learning all over the world. Silk is also made up of a complex chemical structure, within which are elements that date back to the Big Bang (“Unit - Chemistry of Textiles Fibres”). Although often thought of just a part of fashion, silk is made up of elements dating back to the Big Bang, made an impact in the agricultural revolution, and the Silk Road significantly increased the rate of which collective learning spread.
The first art piece consists of a beautiful curtain fragment of coptic textile from the late Roman and early Byzantine 4th century. Woven textiles were commonly incorporated in Byzantine clothing tapestries, furniture coverings and curtains. The most expensive textiles were made of silk. Inexpensive textiles like the curtain fragment were made of linen and wool. Although dyed textiles were rare, they were colored with plant based dyes like saffron or minerals (Carrol, pg.57). The majority of textiles were created by the horizontal two-beam loom later to be replaced by the vertical loom and domed spindle whorl.
In this experiment, nitric acid and sulfuric acid were mixed to form nitronium ions, hydronium ions, and hydrogen sulfate ions. The amide on the acetanilide is an electron donating group, an activator, which means that when an activated electrophile is added to the acetanilide, it will add in the ortho, para positions. In this case, the activated electrophile is the nitronium ions, which react with the acetanilide and form an arenium ion. Then, the hydrogen sulfate ions pull off the hydrogen that is attached to the same carbon as the nitronium ion, allowing the lone pair that is now on the carbon the hydrogen left from to form a double bond with the electron deficient (positively charged) carbon next to it. The products formed are the ortho and para-substitutions of nitroacetanilide.
It is silkworms that naturally create silk, however, the Chinese people invented how to harvest the silk and use it in clothing and paper thousands of years ago. The oldest silk, which was found in Henan Province, came from the chinese Neolithic period and dates to around 3,630 BC. Silk excavated from the Liangzhu Province date to roughly 2,570 BC. In ancient China, silk was not only a vital invention for life but also a bridge connecting China to the outside world.
Though the Chinese sources it is revealed that Fo-xi, the first emperor of China as the first person to introduce mulberry cultivation, silkworm rearing, it is Si-ling-chi, the wife of the emperor Hoang-ti who has been considered as the Lady of the Silkworms . The great prince, Hoang-ti, directed his wife, Si-ling-chi, to examine the silkworm and test the practicability of using the thread. After that, Si-ling-chi discovered not only the means of raising silkworms, but also the manner of reeling the silk, and of employing it to make garments. Si-ling-chi was later deified for her work and honored with the name Seine-Than, or "The Goddess of Silkworms". Sericulture during the following centuries spread through China and silk became a precious
It was found in the 9th century, 850 A.D. It was discovered by Alchemists. When they first experimented with gunpowder, they burnt themselves and their house. Since then gunpowder was also called as black powder or Saralbn powder. The silk road was the way that help gunpowder to disperse to others and making to all the way to europe.
Various woolen goods such as blankets, curtains, carpets, and rugs came to China from Central Asia and the East Mediterranean due to trade on the Silk
The experimental melting point range of methyl 3-nitrobenzoate was found to be 78-80 ˚C, which is exactly the range given within the literature as the standard melting point range for methyl 3-nitrobenzoate (78-80˚C).10 However, the percentage yield was calculated to be 140%, far above a perfect reaction yielding 100%, at which is unlikely to be obtained due to experimental error. The final product was found to contain a yellow disk of consolidated contaminated product; however it could be easily removed, and did not adhere to the purified crustal product. Consequently, these product observations and percent yield indicated a contaminated yield. As the final product mass was 0.161g over the maximum product yield of 0.399g that could be synthesized
Though the routes of the Silk Road thrived in the second century, it is said that this thirst for trade is to have begun in 53 BC, during a battle between the Romans and the Parthian army. During this battle the Parthian’s unleashed large banners of a translucent material, material that the Roman army had never seen anything like before (video). Due to this confusion, the Romans fled from an otherwise definite victory over the Parthians causing 20,000 men to die on the battlefield. This confusion though, turned into curiosity and fascination, causing silk to become highly desired in ancient Rome. Parthian
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s): CFC’s are lowering the average concentration of ozone in the stratosphere. “Since 1978 the use of CFC’s in aerosol cans has been banned in the United States, Canada and most Scandinavian countries. Aerosols are still used around the world and accounts for 25% of global CFC’s use”. (Miller 448). Spray cans discarded or leaking refrigerator and air conditioning equipment and the burning plastic foam products release the CFC’s into the atmosphere. Depending on the type, CFC’s stay in the atmosphere from 22 to 111 years.” Chlorofluorocarbons move up to the stratosphere gradually over several decades. Under high energy ultra violet (UV) radiation break them down and release chlorine atoms, which speed up the breakdown of ozone (O3) into oxygen (O2). Chlorofluorocarbons, also known as Freons, are green house gas that contributes to global warming. Photochemical air pollution is commonly referred to as “smog”. Smog is the contraction of the words smoke and fog, smog has been caused by water condensing on smoke particles, usually from burning coal. With the introduction of petroleum to replace coal economies in countries, photochemical smog has become predominant in many cities, which are located in sunny warm and dry climates with many motor vehicles. The worst episodes of
The items that contain CFC's are regular house hold items, but they can have a devastating effect on the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They are found in aerosols, plastic foam and fridges. However now that the scientists have a greater