One piece of knowledge that I have applied to my life outside the classroom is the material from chapter 9: Deafness and hearing loss. I have regular interactions with two students from another classroom who are deaf and communicated with an interpreter. Reading the tips for communicating with someone who is deaf helped out immeasurably with the class and made the interaction easy and lead to a good dynamic creating the opportunity for excellent conversations. Exceptionality in the Schools has taught me that even though I am seeking a general education degree, I should be familiar with the subject of special education. It is not if, but when you will work with an exceptional student and be included in a team to help prepare the student for
Have you ever felt like there was nothing that you can do for your child? In this book, Deaf Like Me, by Thomas S. Spradley and James P. Spradley, I can see the journey that Lynn’s parents took to get her help. (Spradley & Spradley, 1978). This book was an excellent read. I really liked the way that they described the ways they tried to help Lynn to understand the world around her. The book, is a great asset for any family that might be unexpectedly put into a situation that they know nothing about such as a deaf child.
In Alice-Ann Darrow’s article “Teaching Students with Hearing Losses” she states that it can be difficult to involve students with hearing losses in the music classroom and in the regular classroom as well. There are a numerous amount of students with hearing losses ranging from the ages of six to twenty-one. About 71,000 of special education students struggle with a hearing loss. A majority of students go without knowing that they have a hearing problem. Although most people believe that a person must be good at hearing in order to be musical, it is stated to be not true. The music classroom is actually a great place for students to practice good listening skills. Since listening is a mental process and hearing is a physical. Objectives for hard at hearing students should include listening to music, singing, playing instruments, moving to music, creating music and reading music. Music should be presented to the student’s strength and preferences. It is also helpful to have students feel stereo speakers or instruments as well as the use of kinesthetic movements. Alice-Ann Darrow believes that involving students with hearing losses into the music class room can be difficult but in the long run beneficial to the student.
Have you ever felt like there was nothing that you can do for your child? In the book, Deaf Like Me, by Thomas S. Spradley and James P. Spradley, I can the journey that Lynn’s parents had to take to get her help. This book was excellent I really liked the way that they described the ways that they tried to help Lynn to understand the world around her. In this book, I also saw how a mother and father will do anything for their child so that they can understand all that is around them. This book, is also a great asset to any family that might be unexpectedly thrown into a situation that they do not expect such as a deaf child.
In chapter 4, it explains how Deaf people live in a hearing world. Some people who have grown up with Deaf people really don't see Deaf people as any different than themselves. Verditz had an idea that sign language comes from spoken languages, English and ASL are similar and different from each other having English as my first language has helped me learn ASL but the sentence structures are very different from English. Sign language is a visual language.
After reading Deaf Again I learned a lot of new things I didn't know about Deaf culture and was drawn in by the story of Mark Drolsbaugh. "The hardest fight a man has to fight is to live in a world where every single day someone is trying to make you someone you do not want to be " e.e cummings. I was brought into the book immediately from this quote and realized how difficult it must have been for Mark to find his identity. He was trying to hang on to his hearing in fear of going deaf as if there was something wrong or not proper with being deaf. It took him a long time, twenty-three years to realize that the Deaf culture is receiving and it was there for him to embrace the entire time. It would be difficult to be able to hear and
The condition Colin is likely to be suffering from is Presbycusis. Presbycusis is an age-related hearing loss, it is a hearing disorder that can be caused by a variety of different factors. It is usually a sensorineural hearing disorder but can be a conductive hearing loss. A conductive hearing loss is when it is caused by problems with the ear canal, ear drum, middle ear and the malleus, uncus and stapes this can result in reduced function of the tympanic membrane or reduced function of auditory ossicles. Most commonly it is as a result of changes within the inner ear, middle ear or the nerve pathways to the brain. The cochlea is lined with tiny hair cells; these hairs convert sound vibrations into electrical signals which are received at the brain by a nerve. These cells can become damaged over time this means electrical signals cannot be transmitted as effectively so hearing becomes affected. Long-term exposure to loud noises such as that from traffic and loud equipment which Colin would have been exposed to working as a mechanic can also be a cause of
This Is What It Is like to Be Deaf from Birth is a story about Cristina Hartman, explaining her personal experiences with a profound hearing loss (becoming deaf). Throughout Cristina’s experiences she explains, that being born deaf is quite normal; in other ways, it's not. She talked about things she did that were “normal” such as playing sports, playing with kids in the neighborhood, joining a sorority in college, and talking back to her parents. But with experiencing “normal” things she had to experience situations that were not normal, such as having to learn ASL, becoming a part of the schools deaf program, and identifying herself into a culture other than her parents. Early in her childhood, Cristina got a cochlear implant. The implant
Kontorinins (2009) wrote that nonorganic hearing loss children display a certain demeanor during the testing procedure, they exaggerate their movements to highlight increased difficulty in hearing. Holenweg and Kompis (2010) state that children who are diagnosed with NOHL typically have some knowledge of hearing loss, like a close family member has hearing loss, therefore it is a good idea to check family history sections of the case histories. Another reason case history is crucial is because Schmidt, Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, Matulat, Knief, Rosslau and Deuster (2013) found that learning disabilities are one of the most common characteristics in children with nonorganic hearing loss. They also found that in cases where nonorganic hearing loss is present, there is also history of intellectual impairments, low IQ scores, speech and language disorders, school problems and problems in the household, these are all considered characteristics of NOHL children (Schmidt et al., 2013).
American Annals of the Deaf is an educational journal that is committed to providing educational experiences of high quality as well as related services for the deaf. This journal has been around for over 150 years, and over time they have been dedicated to making sure that children and adults who are deaf or hard of hearing are receiving quality assistance for their disability (NEED CITATION). In July 1996, they published a scholarly article in response to a survey Catherine Gillespie and Sandra Twardosz conducted about the literacy environment and different practices that children are receiving in a residential school for the deaf.
Deaf and hard of hearing people are just like us. They are not any different, but hears like us. There is some common misunderstanding, that is really annoying for Deaf and hard of hearing people. Those misunderstanding are can you understands us? Are you able to drive? Do you need a wheelchair? Can you read and write? Do deaf people have sex? Etc.…These kinds of questions annoyed deaf people the most. People do not realize that deaf people do not have as much as difficulty as normal folks thinks that they have. They can do almost everything and just as much no less. Sometime, they begged to be considered the same as hearing folks. They want to be equals, respected, and value just as much as hearing people. Sometime, we forgot to ask ourselves.
My bioecological models identify the values, goals, and sense of self (self-concept) as related to my family history and life experiences and it has an impact on my relationships with children and families. I, Tijuana Mechelle Thomas, born to my parents Edward and Nikki Thomas, delivered at the Newport News Hospital in Virginia. Both of my parents discovered about my deafness until at the ages of two years old. The cause of my deafness was “RH negatives” from both of my parents. I have a severe profoundly hearing loss, which I missed most of the sound at the normal conversation level. The Speech Impairment testing show at loss the more than 70 db (decibel) on left ear and 90 db on right ear. My values of my deafness had brought me closer
The Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHOH) are understudied population and disproportionately impacted by cardiovascular diseases (CVD) due communication barriers (Mckee, Mckee, Winters, Sutter, & Pearson, 2014; McKee & Paasche-Orlow, 2012; Strong & Prinz, 1997). In considering the link between communication barriers and CVD attribute to insufficient English proficiency, inability to comprehend physicians’ spoken and written instructions, and inability to access community-based health outreach education programs in which all these surface factors increases the chance of DHOH developing CVD (McKee et al., 2011; Margellos-Anast, Estarziau, & Kaufman, 2006). The barriers that restrict access to health information suggest that
Ryan noticed that although other scholars had interviewed deaf survivors, there were several others who had not received the opportunity to share their recollections on video. The author writes, “The experiences of deaf people, who are often overlooked and underserved because of communication barriers, have been difficult for most historians to include. But the fact that people with physical and cognitive disabilities were selected for forced sterilization, marriage prohibition, and ultimately extermination was all too logical an outcome of Nazi racial theories and widely held eugenics beliefs” (Ryan, 2005, p. 44). Schuman and Ryan visited Canada, eight European countries, and cities in the United States to attend deaf community conventions in a search for witnesses. Ultimately, the researchers made some contacts through their affiliation with Gallaudet University, which is the only liberal arts college for deaf people in the world. Because Schuman is a CODA (child of deaf adults), his association with other CODAs allowed them to discover a group of deaf Jewish survivors in Budapest, Hungary. Schuman and Ryan then interviewed a dozen survivors over the duration of five days.
In the same way that no two individuals are alike, nor are any two families with deaf or hard of hearing members. Due to the various ways that hearing loss can occur, the occurrence of hearing loss in any one family can vary. There are families with deaf parents and hearing children. There are families with deaf parents and deaf children. There are families who have never encountered a deaf or hearing impaired person that suddenly have a child who is deaf or hard of hearing. Hearing impairment affects different families in different ways. Many believe that families where both parents and the children are deaf or hard of hearing have an advantage, because the parents are already a part of the deaf culture and thus their children are born into the community. Meanwhile, hearing parents who birth a deaf or hearing impaired child have to adjust to a new way of relating to and communicating with not only their child, but also with those involved in the rearing of that child. Fortunately for these parents, organizations like the Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing exist to provide these families with resources, funds, and education to help them tread on unfamiliar territory. These kinds of organizations connect all families who have members with the disability, and no matter the family dynamic, there are resources for them to take advantage of, including legal aid. As seen in the short clip from the Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, early childhood, around the time of
Hearing loss is the most common physical disability in the whole wide world. In the United States alone, about 28 million people have some level of hearing impairment that interferes with their ability to understand normal speech and participate in conversations. Another 2 million cannot hear at all.