
Character Analysis Of 'Avengers Age Of Ultron'

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Although not comic accurate, his arrogance and imperiousness compels him to build the artificial intelligence 'Ultron' in an attempt to “create a suit of armour around the world”. Of course, Stark's self-righteous plan fails and his creation becomes the new super villain of the film Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015). In spite of this, his character remains appealing because, “in the netherworld of our unconscious is our constant propensity to return to a state of primary narcissism” (Peaslee 2005:online). Furthermore, with reference to Freudian theory, The Reluctant Psychoanalyst (2015) claims that “the concrete representation of psychologically separate aspects of ourselves as individual elements pre-dated but anticipated a development within psychoanalytic theory of dream interpretation where one layer of an interpretation is to consider whether each of the characters within a particular dream might be representing aspects of the dreamer's personality - a part of him or herself, as it were, that can be quite different than other aspects of the self”. If approached in the light of Freud, Avengers: Age of Ultron can be interpreted as a dream and, therefore, the viewer as the dreamer. If this is the case, such narcissistic superheroes could be “characterizing not just part of our identification with powerful, self absorbed others, but a …show more content…

“Thus, in identifying with a character of prodigious strength and moral rectitude, we play this role ourselves” (Peaslee

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