
Character Analysis Of Jack And Jack In Lord Of The Flies

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Jack vs Ralph Stranded. Alone. Savage. Who will step up to be the leader? A plane full of boys stranded on an island with no grown ups, and no way off the island. At first it's a vacation, no adults means fun and play. When they realize that their parents might not be able to save them this time, it's a struggle for chief between Jack and Ralph. Who is going to be able to carry out this important role? Who’s going to get them home? Who’s going to be able to keep them alive just while they are on the island? Ralph is the best fit leader because he brings order and rules to the island and is doing everything he can to get them off of the island and back home. Although Ralph is focused on getting them rescued, while Jack is focusing on how to keep them alive while they are on the island. For example, Jack finally killed a pig. “Look we’ve killed a pig- we stole up on them-we got in a circle-” (chapter 4 page 69). Then the boys were able to feast on meat because they’ve been eating fruits and nuts for so long. In that way Jack was their provider. Although the meat will make them happy for a little bit, eventually they will get hungry again. That's when they will realize rescue was more important. Ralph also tends to just make orders and expect other people to carry it through. For instance, “Just giving orders that don’t make sense-” (Chapter 5 page 91). Ralph actually was making sense but the boys were too immature to understand what he was trying to say. This is one of the

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