The character described in the following paragraph is the protagonist of my book Graceling by Kristin Cashore. Katsa is a girl who strongly disapproves of the killing of innocents and will protect the weak from harm especially if a honorable sacrifice on her part is involved. In the book, Katsa once said, “Enough. I won’t kill them. If you want them killed, you can send someone else” (7). Also, the text states, “She wouldn’t kill, not if she didn’t have to. A killing couldn’t be undone, and she’d killed enough” (8). On the outside, Katsa looks as intimidating as any other full grown man despite her petite figure and a young age of just sixteen. Her long blonde hair is cut just a bit over the shoulder and is consistently matted with dirt, leaves, …show more content…
Her voice, though usually abused to being used as threats, is surprising mellow yet demanding, a natural leader. Her movements are similar to that of a feline–quick, flexible, and lethal. She carries out her actions faster than possible and leaves just as quickly before the victims even notice what has happened. Katsa once threatened her uncle, King Randa, “A fight will break out and with the guards… as I kill the guards I’ll take their daggers and begin throwing them into the hearts of your archers… I could attack a guard, steal his dagger, and hurl it into your heart this instance” (169). Katsa rarely trusts people more than thirty percent except for a select few such as her handmaiden, cousin, and later, her lover. Her guard is always up around those she finds untrustworthy and her heart is always closed off to those whose presence threatens to harm her, caused by her traumatic past and abusive uncle, the king. Due to her Graceling power of survival, Katsa can withstand the cold and heat better than average and she can survive longer periods of time with the bare minimum amount of
Do you like history? Then this is a book for you. “A Night Divided” by Jennifer A. Nielsen is a very eye catching book. The book is a story about how a family was split up by the Berlin Wall that went up in Berlin, Germany. It goes along the lines of Greta who is the youngest child in her family. Many thing happen that Greta has to deal with and try to solve, she has to do so while knowing that while she is on the East side that her father and brother are on the West side. This book is realistic fiction and has 317 pages
Everybody changes throughout life, either it from being around certain people, having people persuade you into doing something, or by seeing a certain event happen. Everyone goes through a type of change that can make a big difference in their life. I argue that people in the play “Witness” by Karen Hesse can change from being around others because Sara Chickering changed from being around the Hirsh’s, Viola ended up joining the KKK because of her husband pressuring her to, and Merlin by seeing Leanora saving Ester.
“None of us have moved on from being that kid with a gun under the pillow waiting for him to come back from us. That's hard to live with,” she said. “We're afraid he's just smart enough to hid in woods somewhere with high powered rifle and start shooting us. I will spend every day for the rest of my life waiting for a bullet to arrive just because I happened to be the daughter of his victim. It makes me so angry he has this affect on us. I did nothing wrong. He chose to do
Kasta being a relative of the Randa, King of the Middluns is now a part of the game of power. The king uses her to scare and toucher or even
In the past, she would not imagine killing other people. She became a new person with a new name in order to kill the enemies, the men on the hills during the war. She first hesitated if she would be able to end the life of another human, but soon made the decision that the men on the hills, her targets were expendable. If she didn’t shoot them it was going to be her and the countless other innocent lives. “A weapon is a manifestation of a decision that has already been made”.
The back-and-forth switching of characters and lifetimes between Julia Jarmond, an American journalist in Paris, 2002, and Sarah, a ten-year-old Jewish girl arrested by French police in Paris, 1942, alternates in each chapter throughout Sarah’s Key, by Tatiana De Rosnay. The alternation between the settings and story of each character creates suspense and engages the reader by prolonging the climax in an entertaining fashion. After Sarah and her new friend Rachel escape the concentration camp they were imprisoned in, they run and look for a sanctuary. They were hungry and tired and needed a safe place to rest and regain some of their strength. After eluding German soldiers, and being turned away by multiple families on different properties, the two
She thinks that she could be martyr, if the way she would be killed was not too long and painful. Here again, she probably thinks about stories of saints she has heard in church. She prays but she doesn’t seem to entirely grasp ideas of faith and religion. Furthermore, she doesn’t seem to be not deeply religious as she only prays occasionally, when she remembers to, or for a specific reason, for example, when she thinks that she has “done something wrong, or hear[s] music or lost something” but sometimes also she also prays “for no reason at all” (244).
Kaede’s actions contradict her image and reputation of her being an ordinary fifteen year old, who seemed to be weak on the exterior. This is significant because Kaede’s strength, mentally and physically, gave her the courage to assassinate Lord Iida, the antagonist who many feared or avoided. Unexpectedly, Kaede was able to get rid of Lord Iida, the leader of the Tohan Clan who thought of himself as worthy and invincible. Without much experience as a warrior, Kaede proved her strength as a woman through her daring
Initially when she encounters The Misfit, she reverts to her status to save her, “You wouldn’t shoot a lady would you?” but she quickly realizes that it holds no power and she resorts to her religious beliefs, encouraging love and patience and coaxing him to pray. She is calm and
The Joy Luck Club is Amy Tan's first novel. It consists of four sections with sixteen short stories. One of the main issues of the novel is the relationship between Chinese mothers and their Chinese – American daughters. ‘‘Your mother is in your bones.’’ (Tan 1998, 30) There is a cultural chasm between them because of the difference in the way they were brought up and different influences of the environment.
In many works of literature, it is often a crucial component for characters to sacrifice opportunities that arise in their lives in order to help loved ones. In Suzanne Collin’s “The Hunger Games,” protagonist Katniss Everdeen sacrifices the chance to live her own life in order for her sister, Primrose Everdeen, to not experience potential death in the arena. Another character that has similar attributes to Katniss Everdeen would be Pari II in Khaled Hosseini’s, “And the Mountains Echoed.” This novel depicts a strong relationship between parents and a daughter that results in missed opportunities due to the health risks that have developed in the parents. The fundamental values of such a character have developed through years of witnessing
Hazel grace was remarkably negative during her cancer battle. A quote from the book is, on page 99, Hazel says “I’m like. Like. I’m like a grenade, Mom. I’m a grenade and at some point I’m going to blow up. I just want to stay away from people… because there’s nothing I can do about hurting you” She was saying that she is going to die and she wants to stay away from people so they don’t end up being hurt.
Many people have heard of the revolutionary new religious practice called Scientology. However, the majority of people who have heard of it, have little knowledge of the principles and practices behind the religion. In fact, there is a dark side behind Scientology, and much speculation that the religion is a brainwashing cult. Many people are opposed to the religion because of its secretiveness, its extreme methods of teaching and its alleged use of mind control.
In the novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, the main character and protagonist is 16 year old Katniss Everdeen, a strong and selfless young woman who is far more mature than her age suggests. As the main provider for her family after her father died, Katniss had to become responsible and resourceful at a young age, which forced her to participate in rebellious behavior in order to keep her family alive. She is an unselfish and protective character, putting herself in danger in order to keep the ones she loves safe, especially for her little sister Primrose. Even after the pain and hardships she has had to go through not only in the games, but in her life, Katniss maintains her
Masago’s statement shows that she wants the people to look at her as a loyal wife who will accept the death with her husband. She claims that her husband gives her permission to kill him by reading his lip as she said “despising me, his look said only “kill me” (Akutagawa 26). Through this biased belief, Masago tries to prove that she is an obedience wife who follows her husband’s desire. She classifies the murder as being a result of her feminine breakdown rather than as an act of