
Character Analysis Of Meursault

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Character Meursault is a man detached from the world. His mother dies and he concerns himself with why his boss seemed irritated he was taking time off, his girlfriend asks if he loves her he responds it doesn't matter but that he didn't think so. When she asks if he would marry her he is impartial. These things death, love and marriage hold great significance to us as a society. The people in the book find his indifference absurd and frightening. not only is he is indifferent to these things but he is entirely honest about his feelings or rather his lack of them. He never feigns grief at his mother's funeral or enthusiasm when spending time with Marie. Society cannot accept his utter disregard of the moral standards by which we abide. He is an outsider they cannot understand him and thus they fear him. They view him as a threat. He is at one point even referred to by the magistrate as Mr antichrist trying to categorize Meursault in terms of a belief system Meursault does not share. Meursault does not appear to mind the title in the slightest. Others opinions of him feeling toward him do not seem to affect Meursault, whether it was Marie's affection or the people viewing him as a monster. Meursault wants to be understood. at the trial when the prosecutor speaks Meursault says that he wishes he could explain himself to the man however throughout the book he does not make much effort to help others understand him. What makes Meursault's character so interesting the fact that

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