
Character Analysis Of Quotes From A Brady Of God

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On page 51-52, Drummond states “I understand what Bert’s going through. It’s the loneliest feeling in the world - to find yourself standing up when everybody else is sitting down. To have everybody look at you and say “ What’s the matter with him?” I know. I know what it feels like. Walking down an empty street, listening to the sound of your own footsteps.”The quote says that Drummond knows it is very hard and lonely to stand up for something you believe is right when everyone is against you. The author's lesson is that when you stand up alone even though it is hard you have to fight for what you believe is right even if others believe it is wrong. For example, when Cates stood up against the butler law the treated him like a murder and no one would stand with him.The author used Imagery when Drummond said “Walking down an empty street, listening to the sound of your own footsteps.” Which is describing details of the surrounding which makes the reader picture the scene in their mind. Before Drummond was making a joke about how they get so offended when someone calls there bible fake that they “ Call down the wrath of God, Brady, and state legislature on …show more content…

For example, when Brady came to town the power shifted away from cates, And the reverend brown went crazy at the prayer meeting the power shifted to cates. In 2012, Malala a teenage girl that stood up against local Taliban groups that did not want girls to be educated. But she thought that was wrong so she started a blog about her everyday life in detailing her life during the Taliban occupation.The lessons from the inherit the wind applies to thing situation because in the play Inherit the Wind, Cates stood up for what he believed in which was that he had a right to teach the theory of evolution. Malala stood up for what she believed in which was girls education, included when she was in the threat of getting

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