Imagine you’re a highschool boy, who doesn’t have a father because he went off and had a kid with someone else. The kid he had is only 3 months younger than you and is an incredible basketball player. This kid’s a jock and a complete jerk. He’s your half-brother and you’ve never spoken a word to him. You’re a good basketball player too, but you won’t try out for the team because of him. This is the life of one of the main characters in the show One Tree Hill.
One Tree Hill first aired on the Lifetime Channel in 2003. It first revolved around the character of Lucas, the half-brother of the basketball star. However, as the series progresses the show begins to be revolved around Nathan, the jock and basketball star. Nathan and Lucas are two of
In this clip from “Friday Night Lights,” the coach gives an inspirational, yet emotional speech to his football players about what it means to be perfect. The clip starts off with the coach stating how most of the players are almost finished with their football careers. He tries to play on their emotions by saying, “…most of you have been playing this game for ten years, you got two more quarters and after that most of you will never play this game again, as long as you live.” The coach uses pauses, skill number three, in this part of his speech to give the players a second to really think about what he is saying, and to realize that he is right about this being the last time they will ever play the game. He then goes on the explain what he
In J.D Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, chapter 25, page 260, Holden discovers text written on the bathroom walls of his younger sister, Phoebe’s elementary school. The text reads “F*ck you”. Holden was very upset in this particular scene in such a way that the reader might ask “why?”. His anger is expressed explicitly with him cursing on the person who wrote this and he vowed that he would love to kill whoever did this if he ever caught them. Although this scene doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, it is one of the most important scenes in the book leading to a much larger significance. In the novel, there are actually two scenes where the words “f*ck you” are expressed. Firstly, on the bathroom walls of Phoebe’s school and once again on the walls of the museum that Holden frequently visits. J.D Salinger allows his readers to emphasize with Holden’s disdain for profanity by showing his emotional turmoil, contempt of phoniness and his overall protectiveness of his sister, Phoebe.
Christopher Reeve once said, "A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." (“Christopher Reeve.”) The quote is remarkable. The strong and mighty Superman spoke it himself…but nowhere in the quote does it say that a hero must be strong and mighty like Superman was. This quote can apply to anybody, evident by its use of the word “ordinary”. Throughout the semester, I had the opportunity to develop an opinion on what I would consider a ‘strong female character.’ Eventually, one teenage female came to mind. Her name is Callie and she appears on the popular television series, The Fosters. Even though many may say that Callie is an irrational teenager because of her choices,
The prompt I chose for this assignment is to rewrite a chapter from a different character’s point of view. I chose to do this prompt because rewriting chapter four in Johnny’s point of view would give a better description before the events that occur after. This chapter is the start of when Johnny and Pony had run away to the old church. It is also the start of when their worlds are completely changed. This chapter starts things that have many significant meanings throughout the book. It started a chain of events that shaped The Outsiders.
Being fearful about something can manipulate your mind to thinking of things that aren't actually present. Fear can get to the best of us at times and can make a person feel small and alone, even though they’re in a group with others facing the same situation. Shirley Jackson the author of The Haunting of Hill House shows this exact situation of fear taking over a person by showing it in the main character, a young woman named Eleanor, who comes from a small town which who was invited to visit the Hill House by a doctor named Dr. Montague to study what really goes on in the house. Throughout the story Eleanor, shows many different types of personalities which can go from being serious to energetic in a heartbeat which makes the story
“Stay gold , Ponyboy. Stay gold…” is what Johnny says to remind him that no matter what happens and what struggles he goes through and no matter how rough it gets to always be him.See Ponyboy is a greaser, and a greaser normally has a very rough upbringing. Not only did they have enough struggles just living on the east side but there was another group who was the total opposite, they’re name is the Socials, Socs for short. In my perspective the greasers had it rougher than the Socs, because the Socs would always try and fight with them, and Socs called them names and picked on them. People also underestimate them and think that they would never get anywhere in life. he Socs had it rougher because people expected them to be perfect and to be a certain way, and because they are Socs people automatically have favoritism and don’t really care what they do. “... They gave in to him all the time. He kept trying to make someone say ‘No’ and they never did.
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb in his skin and walk around it.” Which I have learned is very true just recently. I had never understood how hard working an office job would actually be. While trying to choose the person I would be shadowing, I took in consider my relationship with this person and their job. Narrowing it down only to a few people, I finally chose a close family friend, Christie Markham. Christie is a social worker, to be more specific she is an income maintenance worker for adults. Although her job may be boring, there is actually quite a bit of work that goes into it. I got to shadow her for a full day at her office
The show, One Tree Hill, has many characters with different types of personalities. One in particular, Nathan Scott, known as the best basketball player in his High School, is known to be a popular jock-type guy, selfish and rude. He wants to become the best basketball player and beat his dad, Dan Scott, one day. Throughout the show, Nathan Scott makes many different mistakes but he gets to know other characters that help him to grow from the person he once was. Even though he was once self-conceited, he also starts to become a family-centered person and someone who sacrifices for others. In the show, One Tree Hill, James Lafferty plays the character of Nathan Scott who has transformed throughout the show from personal experiences and influences of others, signifying his ability to distinguish between right and wrong, as Catholicism holds strong beliefs between the two.
In Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird,” Mayella Ewell, a young woman as well as the daughter of Bob Ewell, lives a life of insolence and isolation in the town of Maycomb. As a Ewell, which they are familiarized as being vulgar, uneducated, and indigent, Mayella is disrespected by the people of Maycomb as well as by her father. During the court case, Atticus shows courtesy towards Mayella by addressing her as a miss and a ma’am, which is not surprising for his values of equality. Mistaking his manners with sarcasm, she replies with, “Won’t answer a word you say as long as you keep mockin’ me” (pg.181). Harper Lee is demonstrating the amount of disregard Mayella faces in her life, so much that courtesy can’t be identified as just that. Mayella finds that Atticus is ridiculing her for what she doesn’t have, respect from others. With a reputation such as Mayella’s, people treat her like an outcast. Her lonely life can be a reason to explain why she always asked for Tom Robinson’s company, she wanted to experience friendship and perhaps love for the first time. Her loneliness was so clear to see, even Scout, who still has their childhood-innocent mind, can see through it. Scout compares Mr.Dolphus Raymond’s “mixed children” to Mayella because they both don’t know where to stand in their social class, “white people wouldn’t have anything to do with her because she lived among pigs; Negroes wouldn’t have anything to do with her
In the novel Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, the main character Wade Watts is a teenage boy who grew up in a dystopian lifestyle, where most people spent their time inside the virtual world. Director Wolfgang Petersen filmed The NeverEnding story, the main character Bastian lives a dull life, being teased by school bullies. Bastian is a lot similar to Wade. They both had a hard time while growing up. Through both protagonists are similar in the way they escape the real world, the stories differ significantly in how realistic they are.
In the TV show of Riverdale, the main character, Archie Andrews, is much like Socrates because both of their decisions are based on whether to save themselves or to benefit society. The basis of this is that Archie has to decide whether to do something that goes against his best interest, (due to the societal torment both him and Miss Grundy will receive if their relationship is discovered) but will help society as a whole (by finding out information to help with the murder), or do the opposite and help himself, but not help society. This connects to Plato’s argument in the Crito as Socrates has to make a similar decision on whether to save himself, and hurt society, or save society and let himself die.
Stranger Things is a show that is inspired by science fiction. This series takes place in Indiana around 1983. Will a 12-year old boy who is currently a resident of Indiana suddenly goes missing. Joyce, Will’s mom and Will’s friends: El (Eleven), Dustin, Lucas, and Mike all set out to investigate the disappearance of Will, in hopes to bring Will home. Along the way the clan discovers a series of unusual events all leading up to the discovery of extraterrestrial beings. The following characters are present in the scene that will be the center of this argument are: Will who is the center of the investigation Will is currently being held hostage by the supernatural beings. Eleven also known as El. El is the girl with super powers, who was tormented by the “bad men.” Which happen to be the creators of the extraterrestrial beings who are keeping Will hostage. Dustin is the intellectual friend; Lucas is the cynic character who has his suspicions about El. Lastly we have Mike the leader of the five friends as well as El eye candy. Utilitarianism is the moral dilemma that is visible in the during the scene of discussion. Utilitarianism is described as “the view that the morally right action is the action that produces the most good” (Standford). You will see this form of ethics through El’s actions in episode “Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat.”
When the recent season finale of “Criminal Minds” aired they also had some unexpected news. A.J.’s character, “J.J.” was also expecting another baby on the show as well. Next season, fans are sure will have many emotional and sweet times built into the plot including her new baby boy. Her son, Mekhai already plays a part in the series from time to time as “Henry LaMontagne”. It will be wonderful to see Phoenix grow up as he is introduced to all the other cast characters. Fans are already wondering what name he’ll be given for his part in “Criminal Minds” and how the family angle will grow for “J.J.”, her television husband, “William LaMontagne” a/k/a “Will” played by Josh Stewart as well as her two real life sons, Mekhai Allan and Phoenix Sky
Imagine you are a lawyer tasked with an impossible case, and everybody in your community is against you, but still there is a shred of hope you cling to. What might that be you ask? That to which you cling are your morals. In To Kill a Mockingbird Atticus Finch had been given the Tom Robinson case, where a black man was convicted of raping a white woman. As a single father of two children, he continues to reinforce his values throughout the trial and during his daunting task of raising his children. In To Kill A Mockingbird what Harper Lee suggests about the nature of morals is that you should try to stand up for what you believe in even if people oppose or reject your ideals. Even when faced with an insurmountable opposition you should stand up for your morals because in the end if your don't follow your beliefs you are just contributing to the problem. We should try to create a voice for what we believe in and impress that upon the next generation so they can continue to exercise their beliefs to make the world a better place.
The Fault in Our Stars depicts Hazel Grace Lancaster, a 16-year-old girl diagnosed with terminal thyroid cancer. The book chronicles her relationship with Augustus Waters, who has also been diagnosed with cancer. Throughout the novel, Hazel constantly struggles with her identity in relation to her disease. She is conflicted whether to accept the prescribed image society has of her or to embrace her true inner self. Through a period of self-realization, she eventually comes to terms with and redefines her identity. Although society may define an individual’s self-image, The Fault in Our Stars demonstrates that identity is defined by the inner self, rather than external forces; in turn, that self-perception deeply impacts one’s perspective on life.