
Character Analysis: The Stunt Pilot

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As a child, you see your parents as the perfect pair. Two made for each other forever . . . inseparable. I personally remember telling myself there is no way my parents would ever divorce to me it seemed as a foreign subject. Now it is all too real and my life has changed many ways. “The Stunt Pilot” by Annie Dillard credits her life changing experience to a stunt pilot Dave Rahm whose tricks made her rethink beauty and life. In some way, I too experienced discovering different viewpoints and some of the same emotions as Dillard did in her writing and took away valuable life lessons along the way. A roller coaster of emotions is the best way to describe what I was going through. Questions often filled my mind with no answer prevailing. How …show more content…

Dillard claims she had a idea of what beauty was but after witnessing the stunt show by Rahm her perception was completely different like mine is now with relationships. She described her change as, “Even the Boston Museum of Fine Arts was never more inspiriting then this small northwestern airport on this time-killing Sunday afternoon in June. After watching Rahm’s performance as the pure art form it was she was able to look at beauty in her own way not as the way she was told it to be. Both my father and mother and happily remarried my father who is from Lebanon married a Syrian women who came to the United States seven years ago and my mother who married a former teacher at the high school. This in the end has taught me to forgive and forget because my parents did not dwell in their sadness for the rest of their lives they still had the passion for love and knew they would eventually find it at the right time. A crop duster like Rahm describes it like this, “You know you’re going to die at it someday, he added. We all know it. We accept that; it’s part of it.” Rahm flew the plane because of his passion and even though his passion resulted in his death in someways the passion carried on because of how strong he belived in what he was doing. The passion for love in my parents did not die after their divorce it lived on to another

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