
Character Analysis: To Read Or Not To Read Les Miserables

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To Read or Not to Read Les Miserables Les Miserables is book written by Victor Hugo. Les Miserables has a well developed plot and characters, which is critical to an enjoyable book. The story takes place in France around the time of the french revolution. Throughout the story, Hugo unfolds the life of Jean Valjean. Jean is an ex convict who was imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread for his family. After four failed attempts of escaping from prison, he is punished with nineteen years in prison. The author uses flashbacks to uncover the past of Jean. This is very clever choice for Hugo to use because it allows the reader to first dislike the character before feeling sympathy for the character. The use of the flashback provides justification …show more content…

Fantine goes through many obstacles in order to provide for the illegitimate daughter, Cosette. Cosette is constantly abused by the Thenardiers despite the monthly charge Fantine paying them to be taken care of. Through the use of Fantine, Hugo is able to familiarise the reader with Cosette while sympathising for her. One day, Jean rescues Cosette from the Thenardiers. The author then continues to explain to the readers the life of Cosette after the rescue. Despite the many clever choices Hugo makes, one should not read this book if he or she disapproves of romance stories due to the fact that the love triangle between Cosette, Eponine and Marius. This love triangle affects the events occurring in the story including Jean’s decision to save Marius at the barricade and Eponine's decision to save Marius’ life. Les Miserables has a deeper meaning behind the actual story itself. The theme Les Miserables is to love one another. This is clearly shown when the Bishop showed hospitality toward Jean when no one else wanted to help him. This forever changed the life and intentions of Jean. Jean was shown another way of life after nineteen year in prison. As he is determined to save Cosette, he remembers the favor

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