
Character Archetype In Homer's Odyssey

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Character archetypes play a part in the epic by moving the story along. They all help to assist Odysseus by giving him guidance, never leaving him, and by providing a reason to come home.

Penelope acts as the damsel in distress. She is unable to keep the suitors away from her house because she is a woman, and that makes her vulnerable. She also provides Odysseus with a reason to return home because she is his wife. She has no choice but to pick one of the suitors, and soon. Penelope says she is “wasted with longing for Odysseus, while here they press for marriage”(1004). She still loves her husband, which gives him hope that he will be accepted once he makes his return, and gives him a reason to continue trying. She also cannot turn the suitors away, preventing her from being able to protect herself. This once again proves that, as the damsel in distress, Penelope needs Odysseus for protection. …show more content…

They protect Odysseus by never leaving him, even after all of the horrific events that they undergo. For example, in the story “The Cyclops”, the Cyclops “dismembered them and made his meal…” (869). Even after seeing their companions die like that, they continue to travel with him throughout the many adventures. The crew also protects Odysseus when he can’t protect himself. During the events of “The Sirens”, Odysseus must be tied to the mast of the ship so he can’t escape. Through all of his screams, they ignore him and row out of the area of immediate danger. He later refers to them as “my faithful company”

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