
Character Comparison : Titus Andronicus And Prince Hamlet

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Essay One Character comparison: Titus Andronicus and Prince Hamlet The two major characters, Hamlet and Titus of Shakespearean plays, Hamlet and Titus Andronicus are characteristic in terms of considering revenge and aspiring to avenge the murders. However, the two are quite different in their approach toward revenge. This is due to the fact that two protagonist in their respective plays consider revenge differently since Titus is anxious to avenge the murder and Hamlet delays his decision of taking revenge while seeking other alternatives to revenge such as suicide. Therefore, the theme of procrastination in Hamlet is the cause of delay in taking the revenge of Hamlet’s father’s murder. However, the theme of long delays and seeking alternative to revenge such as in the form of suicide while c considering it less sinful as compare to revenge from the aspect of the Christian theology also discloses that Hamlet is sensible and even in the times of emotional instability, he does not fall beneath what is humanlike behavior. On the contrary, Titus does not show such emotional savvy while expression grave concern and shows eagerness to avenge the murder (Burwick 24). In fact, the two characters in Shakespeare’s plays are very significant since their stance against the damaged honor is similar. Titus and Hamlet have their own individual moral standpoints on taking revenge in which one display emotional outbursts that is Titus and another shows maturity of thought while

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