
Character Essay: The Troll Island

Satisfactory Essays

The Troll island.
Is a island their trolls lives in peace and harmony with all animals and other creatures .
On the island the trolls have theirs homes and on the island is many trees, stones, moss on the stones and diamonds that give the trolls forces. Every diamonds have their own power, the red one is for trolls that can control the fire, the green one is for the trolls that help mother nature to do her job with the tree, flowers and ever think that’s green, the brown is for the trolls that do the food to the other trolls on the island and they determines what is coming up of the grown and the last diamonds that’s blue is for the sea and rivers that flows through the Island.

But on the island their is trolls that outcast trolls that lives in desolate place that no one knows about more than the King and Queen on the island. They go that place if they broke one of the rolls located on the island. There is a troll that lives in the relegated place because his parents has broke the rolls and his name is trollis. Trollis have a bad childhood because their they live is not much food so they haunt for food every day and those who find the food decide who can eat. For the most …show more content…

Her father has the green diamond so he help mother nature with the world and her mom has the blue diamond so she control the sea and rivers to grow bigger or smaller. Bell wondering how the outcasts has it are they live good or not. In the forbidden valley is there monsters and other dangerous creatures live, every troll know about the roll that sade never go into the forbidden valley because you die a terrible death. Trollis is one of them that know about much what is in that forest because he has in it one time and he is the one of five who survived out of the forest. Bell know about the boy as survived the forbidden valley and she wont to find him but she know he is one of the outcast trolls which she never can talk

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