
Character Of Creon In Haemon's Antigone

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“I’ll not consider any marriage a greater benefit than your fine leadership” [Lines : 724]. Haemon starts off the scene showing loyalty to his father. The reader’s might believe that Haemon is siding with his father, but instead he is showing remorse towards his fiance Antigone. Haemon transforms Creon into a tragic hero by showing respect, loyalty and morality towards Antigone. Overall, these conflicting motivations develop Creon as a tragic hero by helping him realize what he was doing was causing a negative impact on the people around him.

“You foul creature— you’re worse than any woman”[Lines 851 & 852]. While Haemon is trying to do his best to be respectful to his father, Creon is showing utter disrespect towards Haemon. One of the many flaws Creon has the inability to actually respond respectfully when someone disagrees with him, but instead of trying to talk it out reasonably it’s either his way or no way. Creon’s imperfect personality trait illustrates that Creon is a tragic hero because wasn’t willing to discuss the controversial matter without arguing. If Creon had showed respect to Haemon’s words maybe everything couldn’t been avoided. …show more content…

Creon took this statement the wrong way because of how the situation was going. If Creon had actually tried to listen he would’ve been able to see how upset and distraught his son was over the news of his wife's imprisonment. Haemon foreshadowed what would happen if Creon didn’t change his mind. Creon had a choice to choose right from wrong, but he decided to go with his instinct which would contribute to his

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