
Character Strength In Lyubomirsky's The How Of Happiness

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Character strengths are a key ingredient in living a happy life. Virtues are what drive a person to be the best person that they can be and lead a good life. The most important character strength is kindness. Throughout Lyubomirsky’s The How of Happiness the importance of kindness is greatly stressed. Thomas Carlyle once stated “without kindness,there can be no joy”(126). This statement is most certainly true. Being nice or kind to others will make both you and the other person feel happy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with helping out whenever you can. For example holding the door open for the person behind you, so it doesn't slam in their face is something that is easy and will not take much time. Making dinner for your family is also …show more content…

I think giving back does make a positive difference others lives as well as your own. My nana is a regular volunteer at her local food pantry and she serves meals to the homeless once a week. One time when I was about ten years old, she brought me with her, I didn't really want to go, but went anyways. I remember walking through an event hall which was in in the basement of the church. There wasn't much decor, except for a few folding tables and chairs. The kitchen was well stocked with people preparing the meals. Once everything was ready the homeless people lined up alongside the wall of where the serving window was. I was a little grossed out by their appearance, most looked pretty grungy. Then I overheard my nana speaking with one of her friends about how “this was the only meal they get to eat”. I was so shocked to find that they were only provided one meal a day. And that got me thinking if they are homeless then they don't have their own kitchens which means they can not make a meal whenever they get hungry, which means they are all often famished. These people had next to nothing and they all seemed so happy. There wasn't a grumpy one in the bunch! It made me appreciate the fact that I have a home of my own and that I have never had to go hungry. I realized that I am very lucky to have all the things I have when others have

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