Character strengths are a key ingredient in living a happy life. Virtues are what drive a person to be the best person that they can be and lead a good life. The most important character strength is kindness. Throughout Lyubomirsky’s The How of Happiness the importance of kindness is greatly stressed. Thomas Carlyle once stated “without kindness,there can be no joy”(126). This statement is most certainly true. Being nice or kind to others will make both you and the other person feel happy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with helping out whenever you can. For example holding the door open for the person behind you, so it doesn't slam in their face is something that is easy and will not take much time. Making dinner for your family is also …show more content…
I think giving back does make a positive difference others lives as well as your own. My nana is a regular volunteer at her local food pantry and she serves meals to the homeless once a week. One time when I was about ten years old, she brought me with her, I didn't really want to go, but went anyways. I remember walking through an event hall which was in in the basement of the church. There wasn't much decor, except for a few folding tables and chairs. The kitchen was well stocked with people preparing the meals. Once everything was ready the homeless people lined up alongside the wall of where the serving window was. I was a little grossed out by their appearance, most looked pretty grungy. Then I overheard my nana speaking with one of her friends about how “this was the only meal they get to eat”. I was so shocked to find that they were only provided one meal a day. And that got me thinking if they are homeless then they don't have their own kitchens which means they can not make a meal whenever they get hungry, which means they are all often famished. These people had next to nothing and they all seemed so happy. There wasn't a grumpy one in the bunch! It made me appreciate the fact that I have a home of my own and that I have never had to go hungry. I realized that I am very lucky to have all the things I have when others have
There are many opportunities to give back to people every day. It could be the time you give someone or something they need to sustain them, and keep them going. The fundamentals of giving back are often seen through charity work or even so much as donating a few items of clothing. I, however, decided to devote my time to feeding the homeless through the Salvation Army.
I believe that it is extremely important to help others, and this also provides an appreciation for the people around you. I make sure to participate in a service project at least once a month to give back to the community. For example, I take part in Animal Anti-Cruelty every month. By helping animals in animal shelters, I can aid the animals that give people so much joy. Benefitting the community enables you to reflect on your own actions and how to further help others, and it is fun to take part in helping causes that I am passionate about.
And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.” this is a quote by the Dalai Lama and it is very true. Doing something good by helping people is a chain reaction, because if I help one person by doing something, then they might be impacted and they could pass it on by doing something nice too. That could make the world a much better place, by spreading happiness and helpfulness one person at a time.
Actively participating in the betterment of my community is a trait that my family has instilled in me. It not only makes the lives of others better but makes me feel satisfied in providing them that service, that being said I try to help whenever I can and wish to continue doing so for the rest of my life.
Climate change is the unusual change in the average temperature of the earth. This unusual change is primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels, oil and coal. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases act like bricks in a fireplace. They radiate heat in all directions long after the fire goes out. Because of the large amounts of fossil fuels burned each year, there is too much heat radiation. For that reason, the earth’s temperature has risen and will continue to rise, which has a negative impact on ecosystems.
Journeys are complex, in a sense. They could be based off of spiritual, physical, or even basic mental goals. Though, I believe journeys are taken for the mental or spiritual benefits. It might be agreed that journeys should teach you something about yourself, they could possibly help you overcome any obstacles, physical or personal, and maybe, you could be compelled to out-do yourself or someone else and discover something about yourself and grow during the process. Journeys are taken for reasons that might not ever be explained or mentioned, but maybe journeys are taken for the reasons to be explained, so someone else can learn and possibly take a journey themselves.
I know from other experiences that volunteers really make a difference in people’s lives. Volunteering is something that everyone should want to do, and the benefits are a great part too. I have learned through my church family different ways to feel “needed” on this earth, and one of those ways is to help others. I have learned about Karma, within the last couple of years, and I truly believe in it. What goes around, comes around. So I think that if you are only putting good deeds out there, then eventually someone something will do good deeds in
This was my expectation and was disappointed when I found out we would only be working in the back. I was hoping for a story of someone that I met while there and how they helped fit my idea of how not all homeless people are the same. While that didn’t happen, I got something even better. The man in charge of running the entire kitchen said that they only hire people on the streets that have dedicated their time to the road home and in return compensated once they have proven themselves reliable. This made me think that he to had to have been homeless at some point. This man was the most on top, running around, hard working and priority driven person I think I have seen or met (other then my mother). How could he be classified as lazy? Being a hard worker is not often times a learnt behavior, and this man was dedicated to his job and there is no slacking off when prepping 1200 meals a
Results confirmed the hypothesis with positive correlations with happiness and hope (r = 0.70), zest (r = 0.48), gratitude (r = 0.45), love (r = 0.43) and curiosity (r = 0.50). However, it was found the character strengths in this study with the highest positive correlations with happiness were hope (r = 0.70), curiosity (r = 0.50), social intelligence (r = 0.49), zest (r = 0.48) and bravery (r =.45). Bravery and social intelligence were different character strengths found in the top five correlations with happiness in this study. Compared to findings from previous research which found gratitude and love in their top five correlations with happiness (Peterson & Park, 2007; Hausler, Strecker, Huber, Brenner, Höge & Höfer,
Helping those in need is also a big part of my life. I like to volunteer my time to help those in need who I may not necessarily know. I may not know how exactly my volunteering helps them but I know that my work has made an impact on their life. I think it is important to help those in need even if you do not know them. I being helping and giving back to the community has helped me become more understanding and selfless.
Imperialism is when one country that is larger than others take over small countries for their land and natural resources. The most influential factor that caused conflicts associated with imperialism was economic because European nations wanted to demonstrate their power and prestige to the world. They were forced to acquire new colonies, and be known as “economically-well developed country”. As the world approached 20th century, several powers grew desperate for more land and more control. In 1870s, the Belgian king Leopold sent emissaries to establish trade with native Africans in the Congo. This single act began a flurry of imperialistic activity as the other nations of Europe, Germany, Spain, Portugal, etc.. Many things, positive and
It so sad to read this story and seeing that the family is starving and indeed for food. I care a lot about the people in this story. The mom in the story has kids that are
This experience caused me to view life in a new perspective. Majority of people when they serve food at these shelters set a goal to serve a large amount of people. Yet my goal differed. I wanted to make everyone happy and realize that their situation does not take away from who they are. That they are ordinary people like the rest of society. Not only did I cook the food and serve it, but I sat and had conversations at the tables. At one of the tables I noticed a man that did not have hands
The past few weeks I was able to be a part of an organization every Sunday called “Don’t forget Ontario.” Going into depth about this organization, this was an organization where my family and I got to feed the homeless. This organization has been around for 3 years now so it is fairly new. Anyone can be a part of this group, so all you have to do is contact the main person and tell them you’re interested. The best thing about this organization is that it was every Sunday after church and not just on holidays. My Nina stated something that hit my heart and that was, “Feeding the homeless is an easy task for the hands. It’s a tougher task for the heart. Yes, that’s a little cliché, but once you do one outside of the holiday season, you’ll understand.”
I wasn’t aware of the importance of doing good for others, until recently that I witnessed it with my own eyes. It all started when was at Chicago, a random man helped out a homeless man and bought him some food. I noticed as I was in line that the cashier then gave the helping man a free choice to pick something he wanted due to the action he did. After that day I began to make an attempt at helping out more and being a better person in general.