
Character Traits In The Story 'Everything Will Be Okay'

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“Everything Will Be Okay” Character traits By:James Howe In the story “Everything Will Be Okay” the author can be shown as an admirable person. The author is caring, independent, and determined. When she is in the woods, she finds a sickly kitten, and throughout the story she takes care of the kitten and shows that she is an admirable person. During the very beginning of the story, the author is playing in the woods near the end of her street when she finds the kitten. The kitten is covered in leaves and twigs, and yellow boogers are coming out of its eyes. She is glad that the kids she plays with are not there, because sometimes they can be mean. When the kitten makes a pitiful noise, she is very reassuring to it and says, “Don’t worry.” “Everything will be okay.” She shows the trait of caring by comforting the sickly kitten. She strokes its scabby head until the meowing is replaced by faint purrs. …show more content…

When the author gets home, she shows her mom the kitten. Her mom tells her to take all her clothes into the basement so they don’t touch anything. She tells her mom that the kitten is going to be her pet. Her mom tells her that the kitten is filled with disease. She knows what her mom means. She is very sad. When her brother gets home, she has new hope. Her brother works for Dr.Milk, the town vet. She goes to her brother to the vet clinic. When she gets there her brother tells her he needs help in the back room. The author assumes that he will give it medicine, but her brother tells her that they are putting it down and tells her to be a man. She immediately draws the box away from the back room. Her brother tells her she doesn’t have a choice and that it is the best option to put the kitten down. She replies with, “You do have a choice”. If it is half dead, it is also half alive”. She doesn’t want to let him

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