
Characterism Of Symbolism In A & P By John Updike

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In the short story “A&P” by John Updike, Sammy a nineteen year-old boy who works at the A&P he observes the people he works with, and his customers, as well as three girls in bathing suits, and then goes on to categorize and analyze these people, followed shortly by Sammy quitting his job for a small injustice done to these three girls. On one hand the ways he views them at first are that of any typical teenage boy or young man when faced with a young attractive female, and on the other he goes into a great deal of depth and detail into how he sees them and who he thinks they are. He shows a bit of impulsive behavior and problem with injustice done to those around him and an impressive amount of observational skill, showing some great intelligence. John Updike writes this story about Sammy a young adult working for a family friend, Sammy who sees three girls humiliated and refuses to do nothing, Updike symbolizes different paths for Sammy through his own actions and through characters like Lengel, and Sammy quits his job, he may have a future problem with authority.
Sammy sees three girls in nothing more than bikini's walk into the A&P, this wouldn’t have been necessarily unusual, if they’d been closer to the beach. As it was they were in the middle of town five-miles from the beach, ironically across from a church. Lengel, Sammy’s manager and old family friend, sees these girls and whether he meant to or not humiliates the girls in the middle of the store, which

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