
Characteristics Of A Libertarian Society

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Humans have always argued over if our society should be a libertarian society or an authoritarian society. Surprisingly no major country has ever tried a libertarian system. Could it be because the leaders of countries don’t trust that much power to be in the hands of their citizens? A libertarian society exists to benefit the people. Main characteristics that make up a libertarian society are to maximize political and social freedom, freedom of choice, self-ownership, low to no taxation, individual judgment and voluntary association. Libertarians are very vocal on a lot of issues. Issues they are vocal for are being mostly pro-choice , pro-gun rights, small government enthusiasts (if not anarchists), pro-LGBTQ, they believe in ending the war on drugs, they want to end unjust wars that are only fought for political or financial gain. An authoritarian society exists to benefit authority, or the leaders in power. They achieve this by political and economic submission to authority, In an authoritarian societies, citizens exist to serve the leaders of the society or the state. Libertarians believe in ending the drug war because the government does not exist to dictate what citizens should or should consume. They believe it is a victimless crime and only affects the user, not anyone else, so why should that person be persecuted for making a decision that only affects themselves? On the other hand authoritarians believe in continuing the drug war, they believe that outlawing

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