King Kamehameha was the first Hawaiian to unify the islands. Kamehameha was a skilled warrior and talented at trading, so he had lots of advantagement in his life. The rivals were all strong and it was difficult for him to unify the islands. Although he couldn’t unify the island of Kaua’i and Ni’ihau he was great person that led Hawaii to success. Kamehameha was an effective leader because he was careful and thoughtful.
Kamehameha was an effective leader because he was cautious of trading. For example in process of trading he had foreign advisors to help his trading. Even though he was skilled bargainer he needed consulting with one of his foreign advisor that helped in his battles at the unification of the island. This example is something
Kamehameha was an effective leader because he was a hard worker. Although most chiefs would not participate in public works, Kamehameha worked on rebuilding war torn land in knee deep mud of a taro patch. He had joined the other workers in fixing the land in his own will. This was something that changed after unification because as stated earlier, a chief participating in public work is a sight you don’t see often. This was however a good change because when people see a chief working in a taro patch it’ll influence others to try.
Kamehameha was an effective leader because he was smart, caring, and enforced the Kapu system. Kamehameha was an effective leader because he was caring to his people. One example was he created the royal monopoly. The royal trade monopoly helped his people not be taken advantage of by the foreigners. John Young, a foreign advisor, was helpful because he knew the products and their value.
When Kamehameha was young there was a prophecy where Kamehameha killed all the ali’i of the Hawaiian Islands, and that Kamehameha would be the ruler. Kamehameha also made peace between the Hawaiian Islands. Along with him he had two foreign advisors John Young and Isaac Davis. Eventually Isaac Davis dies because he finds out that someone is plotting against them so he tries to do something about it, but instead he get’s killed by them. Two reasons why Kamehameha was an effective leader was because he was intelligent in many different ways and because he always showed initiative.
Emperor Qin was a great leader in my opinion because he was a very capable man who had a massive influence over China. Although he was also a man indulged with power, he built many fascinating structures including the Terracotta Army, and after creating the Qin dynasty made many revolutionary and positive impacts in his society.
He defeated a much more experienced military general to win the civil war, and founded the legendary Han dynasty. He instated countless effective and efficient policies that increased the longevity of the dynasty and contributed to its success. For example, he brought back a rural economy, lowered taxes for peasants, encouraged trade, and established a feudal system, all of which stimulated and improved the economy. He also expanded the empire and quashed troublesome rebellions efficiently. He understood the need for educated men in government, so a bureaucracy developed, and he was humane but not afraid to discipline.
Struggling through life’s difficulties, Andrew Jackson was an extraordinary leader that was able to overcome his struggles and inspire many people. Many historians and laymen look down upon President Jackson for his role in the Trail of Tears, yet many overlook the incredible leadership skills he had. The first leadership skill he was the ability to maintain order of his men. The next important leadership skill he had was.
Kamehameha was an effective leader because he thought about the end result before he made his choices. When he thought of the end result, it would most likely go how he planned. An example is he kept some of the restless chief near his court and he made others, who he trusted
Who would you pick for your top 5 ali'i in Hawaiian History? Would Kamehameha V be on there? I most certainly think Kamehameha should be on that list. He left schooling at the age of 18 to work in the government office building and he was the last of the Kamehameha's to rule. Kamehameha V was the second best ruler behind Kamehameha the great because he had to overcome a lot, tried to follow exactly the way his grandfather ruled, and worked extremely hard for things he thought were right for his people.
Kamehameha was an amazing leader for many reasons for example Kamehameha was the first person to unify all hawaiian islands which led to peace on all the aforementioned hawaiian islands, he won many wars to not only take over land but also ensure the protection of his people and more. Kamehameha was so destined for greatness that before he was even born there were rumored legends of a child born from the eye of the tiger shark will cause the blood of chiefs to run throughout the streams over all land, And Kamehameha’s mother while in her pregnancy was craving tiger shark’s eye. At a young age Kamehameha became the guardian of Kukailimoku the war god. Even in the later on in his life he helped in the farms that usually only the commoners would do. Overall Kamehameha was an effective leader because he took initiative and had a growth mindset.
The Abolishment of the Hawaiian Monarchy In this essay I will discuss the changes that led to the overthrow of Hawaii and that forever changed the Hawaiian way of life. The three historical events that led to the overthrow and drastically changed Hawaii were the introduction to trading, the arrival of the Christian missionaries, and the tax and tariff trade agreements between Hawaii and the United States. Many things happened in Hawaii after King Kamehameha took control of all the islands, but I believe these three were the most important. Each of these events drastically and permanently impacted Hawaii because this changed the way of life for the native Hawaiian.
He was a generous and brilliant leader. One of the many reasons he was a generous leader was when he founded 70 cities. He also showed he was brilliant by turning his resources into attacks. During one of the battles, he managed to turn his enemy's elephants against him. He spread Greek culture and culture.
Andrew Jackson was a man of great willpower and considered himself to be just a common man. He showed great care for his men, although sometimes he may have been a little too tough on them. He had the traits of a great leader, however, Jackson tended to take advantage of the respect and power that he held. Andrew Jackson was a good military leader, in the fact that he was brave on the battlefield and could make knowledgeable decisions, however, had his style of command and the way he treated his men been different, then I think he could have been a great military leader.
Ultimately the Hawaiian people wanted a treaty of reciprocity, or fair trade, between the Islands and the United States. The Civil War conflicted with the treaty. The American people needed to resolve their conflict in order to set up their free trade (Vance & Manning, 2012). In 1863, King Kamehameha V took over the Kingdom. He was even more anti-American that his predecessor. He believed that the democracy in the United States was the cause of the Civil War. He did all he could to remove American influence within his government. But this did not stop the Kingdom from feeling the economic blows of the American Civil War (Vance & Manning,
Andrew Jackson was a great man in American history who was once honored above any other man alive. His childhood prepared him for the military and political life. Andrew Jackson was a great historical figure. Through Jackson's political life, war involvement, and presidency he became a very famous and respected man.
This claim is based off of assumptions through Blainvilliers testimony about Dauger’s character traits, therefore unnecessary to include in the final chapter.