
Characteristics Of Legal Positivism

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There are two approaches that can be adopted as to what would amount to a legal system. On the one hand are theories that treat the concepts of law and legal systems having certain moral dimensions-on this view, a body of rules might be said to count as a legal system only if it is aimed at the common good or enforcement of justice. The other approach, which is a characteristic of legal positivism, offers an account of law and legal systems that is morally neutral in character. Legal systems are characterized on this view, by the existence of certain types of institutional arrangements rather than by moral purposes they may or may not serve.
The starting point for Fuller’s theory is the suggestion that formal characterizations of human institutions, independently of their purpose, must be illusory and inadequate. In other words, for the better understanding of concepts one must know their purpose. In Fuller’s opinion, the characteristic features of legal systems that have provided the focus for legal positivist as such is …show more content…

L. A. Hart, the concept of law need not be understood by reference to any moral standard or purpose. Law, in Hart’s view, can be used for many different purposes, some of them good and some bad. If one had to describe a particular purpose which was a necessary feature of law, it would have to be something highly general and morally neutral such as ‘the provisions of rules for the guidance of conduct’. However, this is not really self explanatory or fully intelligible and requires a further explanation. The natural law tradition of thought would supplement such an explanation of law’s purpose with an account of how rules serve justice or the common good o other values: once one has seen how the provision of rules overcomes certain problems inherent in the human condition, one has understood laws nature. Although, for Hart it is not that the establishment of rules lacks a point, that it may serve huge diversity of different

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