As the Charge Nurse in the dialysis facility where I am working, I am considered the leader in the “floor”, or the place where the patients are being treated. The other nurses and the technicians report to me, and rely on my final decision for patient treatment. In applying the Seven Habits Profile, I realized that my weakness is I sometimes negatively speak of others when they are not present. Even if I scored myself very good in this category, I still do it sometimes. I can make this better by applying Habit 1 or being proactive. Habit 1 encourages me to choose what I should say or do, and it makes me aware that I am responsible for my decision (Covey,2015). I will be effective if I choose not to say negative things, and should be increasingly …show more content…
Even if the final decision on the “floor” comes from me, I still address my subordinates as “sir” and “ma’am”, and always thank them for their efforts when working with me. One of the very important characteristic of Level 5 leaders is absence of ego (humility) combined with the determination to achieve the task required by our company (Daft, 2014). Even if the work on the floor is grueling, I sense that my subordinates are always happy to work with me.
Another strength that I have is being a Servant leader. When I see that my co-workers are overwhelmed with their task, or in need of assistance, and I am available, I don’t mind helping them, even if it means that I am doing the task of a subordinate. Servant leaders have two purpose: to help accomplish the goals of their subordinates and those of their organization (Daft, 2014). My purpose here is to assist my co-worker in need of help, and complete the task as soon as possible.
Finally, my strength as a leader comes from my being an Authentic leader. To be authentic means to be recognized by my co-workers as a leader who applies principles and values in life (Daft, 2014). I try my best to show sincerity when addressing my coworkers and patients, and not participate in “green jokes” and conversations that can possibly harm others. In this way, I earn the respect of my
Spent several years as a Charge Nurse in Long-Term Care. Responsible for implementing change for improvements related to Joint Commission Survey Readiness. Changes included improvement for Fall Risk, Skin Assessments and MDS Compliance. I’m currently working in a leadership position as a Charge Nurse on Rehab/Medicare Unit at Overland Park Nursing. Prior preceptor experience at Truman Medical Center on a busy Medical Surge Unit. Responsible for training new grads and students on a Registered Nurse
Brandt continues to learn more about department issues during his rounds, meetings and also from patient input. He will need to ensure to collaborate with Charge Nurse consistently to unsure all aspects of operations are covered and reviewed. This important collaboration will improve his assessment on identifying root case of problems and improving options in problem solving.
Being a leader allows you to inspire those around you it allows you to not only grow as a person, but, also allows you to grow as a mentor that can help others become better versions of themselves. An important leadership trait I possess is my emphasis on quality; I’ve never been the type of person that has
Once the nurse realized the medication error, she alerted the charge nurse for help. The charge nurse looked over the medication scheduled times and realized that even though the medication was given on time, the dose was off 24 hours ago by 1 hour and 30 minutes. Since that dose was off schedule 24 hours ago, the nurse was to give that dose at the same time as the other dose was given. Once the nurse understood her mistake, the resident on call was notified of the error and a medication safety report was filled.
If I was faced with this situation and my charge nurse approached me and asked me to help, I would start by looking at my acuity of patients and focusing my attention on making sure I would be able to still provide safe, effective, and efficient care to the patients I have now, on top of adding another patient to my workload. I think we are all on the same page because the main goal is to make sure we all provide safe and effective care at all times. During the staff meeting, I would step up and help the charge nurse motivate everyone to help solve the issue, I would do this by doing the following: asking my co-workers questions, such as how can we solve this; what type of patients they are caring for already; volunteering to share a patient with another co-worker; explaining to everyone that we can do this (communication and encouragement is the key to solving problems in my eyes); can we divide up workload to switch things around for everyone (maybe someone has worked with the patient before and knows how to care for them safely and efficiently); and the list could go on.
During my senior design project tenure at Texas A&M, I had the opportunity to work with a team of students that had strong personalities. I believe that I exhibited traits of mindfulness, respect and leadership during this period. Though my teammates were generally positive and kind-hearted, it was still surprising when certain individuals would take great pride in knowing a simple piece of information, all the while stepping over you to look good in front of a sponsor. Oftentimes a decent piece of advice on my end would be used by a teammate to uplift their own standing. True, it was a common occurrence of the practical world in life, but I realized that I did not have it in me to walk over others in order to obtain success. I learned to become more assertive, yet maintain my sense of integrity and give credit to others for their ideas and achievements. I believe a leader exhibits such qualities. While being aware of themselves, the leader is able to rise above and treat individuals with respect and not as a means to an end. Similarly, I believe it is important to respect people based on the content of what they say, rather than how smartly they say something.
Aman and Mr. Daniels leverage time each week to sit down and reflect on the experience. During this time, I have learned a remarkable amount of information about who I am as a leader. Success in life is important, therefore, one must continually be honest with themselves. Even though, there are a number of tools one can assess to gauge their growth. Self-reflecting is a vital tool improvement Therefore, when reflecting I found a few areas of focus. The chart below indicates the qualities that I possess as a leader. Granted that these qualities tend to fall in the category as both a strength and a weakness. The highlighted qualities are the areas that I will be focusing on this
Dear Mr. Cortez, you know how you asked me to research all about the Aztecs, to share with you? Well here’s what I have found out. When you come here, somethings may not make sense. Some houses are bleached white, or have sun-dried brick or stone, while others were tiny little huts with a garden out back. This is the ranking for rich and poor, with the rich having stone, and the poor having hut houses. You may see some people walking along the streets, and you must note who is who. Most will presumably be carrying fruits and veggies, and wearing plain clothes that they had to create themselves. Then there are the Nobles skipping down the street, and you will note that they are Nobles as they will have feathers on their apparel. If you appear
To begin, I exhibit qualities of a great leader. Firstly, at my Saturday morning bowling league, I am positioned as the anchor, which means I am expected to lead my team to victory.. Secondly, I lead by being a good example to my peers, and I am a positive role model. Lastly, when my friends have problems they come to me and I lead them to a positive solution. This is being a good leader.
There are a lot of people out there in leadership positions, but not many that really exemplify the true qualities of a leader. While conducting this interview I asked L.A. what she thought the true qualities of a leader was and was pleasantly surprised to learn that she had very high standards when it comes to her idea of leadership characteristics. The first two things she touched on where people skills and patient care because she believes those go hand in hand. Without the skills to communicate effectively with the patients there is no point in caring for them at all. Another huge quality for L.A. is she believes in straight forward honesty, and integrity. If you are straight forward from the beginning with staff whether the news good or bad then they will learn to trust you and they know they can count on what you say, being the nice guy all the time and sugar coating everything you are
Having a strong leadership quality is an exceedingly important component for not only NHS, but in life in general. Being a leader is something that comes
It takes a lot to be a leader. It takes experience, communication, positivity, passion, and much more to be an effective leader. Communication, positivity, and passion are the three most important characteristics to me. I represent all three of these with great pride. I communicate effectively whether it be in the classroom, on
For many years, I have been told by teachers, family, and friends that I am a good leader. Until fairly recently, I had never truly thought about what it means to be a good leader and just took it as a compliment. Leadership is an intangible concept which cannot be properly outlined in a dictionary, but one which must be formed and explained only through one’s own philosophies and experiences.
There are many people who believe that they can be a great leader. "Great leaders are aware of their own style and make the effort to learn how their style actually comes across to their team. They learn to flex their leadership style to individual team members so that they communicate and behave in ways that motivate and inspire” according to Farrell, R. (2011, August 3). To be a leader there are qualities that it takes to be a leader that followers and an organization needs to become successful. For me my strongest qualities are respect, honesty, confidence, compassion, care, supportive and celebration. How I plan to use these is simple and some should already be in place now such as the respect. Compassion I will need to have with the patients and families along with my co-workers. Death is never an easy topic to discuss, but hopefully we can all come together to make it easier for the family. Flexible leadership, however, involves being able to adapt your leadership style according to the situation and the state of the team. As a leader I will need to show compassion by having an open door policy to my followers so that they feel they can come to me with any problem. I also need to show my followers that I do truly care about them. Take a moment out of every day to check with your employees to see how they are doing. A way to do this is take an interest in who they are as a person. Make them feel as they are important to you.
Over the course of this semester, I have learned about the theoretical foundation of leadership and management. From various leadership styles to numerous learning tools have all aided in shaping me to become an effective leader not only in the health care profession, but everyday life as well. Through utilizing these tools, I have managed to put them into actions through working individually and in teams which has helped me to learn more about myself and the type of leader I am. Throughout this action plan I will reflect on my definition of leadership, what I’ve learned about myself in the capacity to demonstrate leadership, my leadership strengths and weaknesses and three action steps that will help me to develop my leadership in the future.