
Charismatic Leadership : A Charismatic Leader

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In the current leadership era, Charismatic leadership is one of the newer leadership perspectives. This approach is based on the concept of charisma, which means “an inspired and divine gift”.

Elements of a charismatic leadership

A charismatic leadership is characterized by these three elements: Leader characteristics, Follower characteristics, and Situational Factors. Notice that these elements are much like the elements that contribute to the cycle of abuse and corruption that were discussed in the previous assignment, only in a more positive manner.

Characteristics of a charismatic leader

Nahavandi (2015) listed several common behavioral and personality characteristics and traits of …show more content…

In extreme cases, these charismatic leaders sacrifice themselves as they are willing to put up with hardship to defend their beliefs and achieve their vision (Nahavandi, 2015).

Characteristics of the followers

Given that a charismatic leadership results from a relationship between a leader and followers, these followers have certain characteristics (Nahavandi, 2015). Below are some of these follower characteristics.
1. Intense emotional bond
2. High degree of respect affection, and esteem for the leader
3. Loyalty and devotion to the leader
4. Identification with the leader
5. High confidence in leader
6. High-performance expectations
7. Unquestioning obedience

According to Nahavandi (2015), followers of charismatic leaders feel an intense emotional bond to the leader, as these leaders have established a close family bond with his employees. As a result, these charismatic followers:
1. Respect and like their leader
2. Are strongly devoted to him/her
3. Have a strong sense of loyalty
4. Admire their leader

Additionally, these followers identify with the leader, emulating his or her behaviors and mannerisms, which help them to internalize their leader’s values and aspirations (Nahavandi, 2015).

Furthermore, these followers have high confidence in their leader, believing their leader will change

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