The author Cheryl Bardoe of “looking at Mushrooms”, has more of a descriptive variety on fungi then the passage, “Talented fungi”. The reasoning is, the author, Charlene Brusso of “Talented fungi”, only talks about the discovered fungi rather than putting more effort in how they function and live. The better passage talks also about who study them (fungi) and how they lived, meanwhile the other passage only talks about what fungi use is for. Charlene Brusso put a lot of effort in her information about how fungi was used before, but she didn’t talk about the 1.5 million fungi that are used today. In “Looking at mushrooms”, they tell how mushrooms live, function, decompose, and how they help the enviorment. In the pharagraph of “How Fungi Function” it list all the roles and states, “Some are decomposers, some form partnerships with living plants, and some are parasites.” This text cited goes on telling about the individual fungi role, function, and what the mycologist studying them has to say about it. In the other hand, Charlene Brusso and her passage only exclaims 1 fungi type and goes on about its uses, not its function and therefore she doesn’t have a clear description of the fungi and needs to talk more of its discoveries. …show more content…
Charlene Brusso does differ from Cheryl Bardoe when she uses a actual mycologist to tell about the fungi or mushroom. Cheryl exclaims, “ ‘ When conditions are right,’ Mueller says, ‘ Mushrooms swell the water like a water balloon.’ “ Cheryl Bardoe when using this quote it gives us a more clear image in our heads and proves that it has been proven by a mycologist. Cited quotes makes passages and pharagraphs seem better then ones without those, that’s why “looking at mushrooms” beats “Talented fungi” in this
From a diagram of an idealized flower, correctly label the following structures and describe the function of each structure:
Fungi are multi-celled organisms that form a third Kingdom of life, along with the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom.
4. Compare and contrast the structure of a fungal mycelium with the structure of a filamentous alga.
She does this by stating each characteristic and then explaining it. For example, in paragraph 6 it said," Fungi grow in hair-like threads called hyphae. " A single strand is too small to see with the naked eye." In this example, the author states that fungi grow in hair like strands that are called hyphae. She explains this characteristic further by explaining that a single strand is too small to see with the naked eye.
Iron Age Hoplite Warfare brings about the First Democratic Societies in Archaic Age Greece, Following the Role of Monarchy, Feudalism and the Aristocracy
1. Introduction Mould is a multi-cellular organism related to the fungi kingdom. It is also related to yeast and mushrooms. It lives off dead matter and develops when there is an adequate amount of food. The mould then secretes a slime coat to help break down the food.
The purpose of taxonomy is to describe and classify the different types of organisms that roam the continents into groups Genus and species. In biology it’s used to classify organism using latin names and to narrow down 1 organism from Kingdom to species.
Well-known mycologist Paul Stamets, the author of Mycelium Running, an almost manual for the mycological rescue of the Earth, educates his readers of the use and applications of fungi in a practice called mycoremeditation. He does this to inform people that mushrooms are beneficial to us humans and our world, and to inspire his readers to try to incorporate mushrooms into their lives. Possessing an easy-going and conversational style, Stamets establishes an optimistic tone to convey to his readers that the use of mushrooms have health-related and planetary rewards. To get his readers to support his movement, in his didactic book, Stamets employs a tremendous amount of facts to explain his ideas, which helps the reader understand mycoremediation effectively. He establishes credibility to gain the trust of his readers, and engages his audience into the subject matter at hand by stating words that inspire the reader to have compassion towards helping the planet survive.
The purpose of this study is to identify four unknown organisms. The unknown organisms have been assigned randomly to six-research groups by Professor Hoffman. Each research group was provided two eukaryotes and two prokaryotes. The unknown organisms will fall into the following classifications: bacteria, algae, fungi, or protozoans. All living organisms are organized into one of three domains of life, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
How should the unknown microscopic organisms be classified? The concept of the experiment was to conduct a systematic observation about the traits of unknown organisms, and classify them to the right group. Making detailed observations about the traits, made it possible to identify which cell the trait belonged to because different cells have different traits. Animal cells do not have a cell wall, and has one or more small vacuoles. Plant cells has a cell wall, rectangular (fixed shape), and has a chloroplasts. Cytoplasm, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Ribosomes, Mitochondria, and Golgi apparatus to name a few.
In our experiment we can conclude that the control/water can’t kill fungus you would need some type of alcohol chemical or even our daily hand soap to kill the fungus. The experiment wasn’t quite what we were expecting because we thought the fungus would grow more on the control and soap, but the soap didn’t get a whole bunch of fungus. Another thing that didn’t we expecting was the hand sanitizer because it was 70 percent ethyl alcohol so we were expecting less fungus than we got. Our hypothesis was if fungus grow on soap, water, or hand sanitizer, then no chemical can kill fungus. The hypothesis was and was not prove correctly because you need water and some sort of hand cleaner (like soap) to get your hands clean. The fungus can’t dead by
Morchella Esculents are a highly sought after edible fungi. The ascomycete is typically found above ground in the spring and summer months of March through June, depending on the locations climate. Despite its popularity among morel “hunters” and ecologists, little is known about the consistent abiotic and biotic indicators of morel mushrooms. It can even be suggested that Morels can be used as a bio-indicator because of how fragile the species is in relation to its surroundings. It has been estimated that there are at least twenty-eight phylogenetically distinct Morchella species around the globe. At least twenty-four of those species can be found in North America and thirteen are species in the Esculenta clade (Stefani, 2010). Morels are morphologically diverse but do not have specific distinctions between species. The varied and inconsistent fruiting pattern of the M. Esculents make it difficult to pinpoint the exact and consistent location of an abundant fruiting of morels.
You see if I was a couple years older, I would have gotten some scientists to do research and seeing what could possibly cure the root disease, or I could get people that are already older than me to help me out with this. They can contact someone who is very familiar with these types of situations and have them do something about it, instead of having a 13 year old get to it. I’m pretty sure at this age, I won’t be able to do very much but it’s still alright. Marsh Honey Fungus is a characteristic and rare Eurasian fungal species. It is confined to the specific types of wetlands with low nitrogen availability and at least localized base-rich microhabitats usually having high plant diversity. Despite the occurrence of a large number of wetlands there are only small number suitable for the successful existence of Armillaria ectypa. Even insignificant changes of hydrological regime in and around fens can lead to extinction of this species. It is recorded from 16 countries. This fungus appears to be extremely rare across Europe and Asia even within its habitat. It is certainly overlooked as observations of fungi rely on the presence of the irregular appearance of sporocarps. It is not a very distinctive species, but its specific habitat requirements facilitating the identification and in combination with it being pointed out as a nationally red-listed species in several countries has spurred an interest among mycologist to search for it. Marsh Honey Fungus
Mushrooms may seem at first like a very peculiar thing to base an entire poem around. However, the author leaves scattered hints throughout the stanzas that this may be about more than a bunch of timid fungi. The first hint of this is in the second stanza: “our toes, our noses / take
The Latin word for mushroom is fungus (plural, fungi). The word fungus has come to stand for a whole group of simple plants that contain no chlorophyll and lack such complex plant structures as roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. Included among the fungi, along with mushrooms, are molds, mildews, rusts, smuts, truffles, and yeasts. Toadstool is another name for mushroom. Some people use the name toadstool only when referring to poisonous mushrooms, but botanists make no such distinction. A general scientific term for fungi is mycota, from the Greek word for mushroom, mykes, and the study of these organisms is called mycology.