
Charles Dickens Struggles

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During the Victorian era, which spanned from 1837 to 1901 under the reign of Queen Victoria, there was a great growth in the industry and in prosperity for Great Britain, and coupled with this growth was another in the social classes, particularly with an emphasis on the fine upper class. This growth of focus on the upper class and subsequently the lack of focus on the poor lower class were brought to the attention of author Charles Dickens, and he, one of many times, chronicles the ideals of social classes in his acclaimed 1860-1861 work entitled Great Expectations. The novel follows the narration of Pip Pirrup and his progression from being a blacksmith's apprentice in the poor marshes of Kent to his unusual situation where he is given the …show more content…

This tough time of familial and working struggle would be the source of themes present in Great Expectations, but also in his other works. In his adult life, Dickens, though never continuing his education, worked to complete multiple novels in his lifetime and become an outspoken critic against issues of his time. Great Expectations is not the first of Dickens's novels to portray criticism of the Victorian era; his proceeding works such as Oliver Twist and Hard Times are also highlighted as being prominent "social novels" of his (Narita 183, …show more content…

Havisham, though she acquired a large portion of wealth, Dickens has wealth ultimately turn her fate in another direction; her brother and fiancé conspire against her to steal her money, and she is left heart-broken at the altar, shutting herself in the Satis House. Her relatives only visit her in the hopes of receiving her wealth in her will when she passes on, but she pays them no mind. Her only goal is to exact revenge on Pip to represent her revenge on all "men" for what her brother and fiancé did. As Terci writes in [journal name], Miss Havisham is used as the primary figure by Dickens to "[criticize] the values of the upper class to portray its ‘real’ face to his middle and lower class readers" (167), that behind their unusual habits and amount of ownership and wealth, there is decay, happiness is simply

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