
Charles Faulkner Proscriptive Law

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The main point of this article is that, in 1866 Charles J Faulkner helped create a challenge that was very successful for West Virginia lawyers to take an Oath of loyalty that was enacted in the legislature in 1863. Furthermore, the Radical Republican laws loopholes that punished the former Rebels which kept them from taking control of the state government, his appeal was one of the first to challenge West Virginia proscriptive laws before the Supreme Court of Appeals. Even though he was a former Rebel, he was relief pf lower courts decisions and many others followed. The basic constitutional rights of citizens also including the ability to be able to make a living, vote, the same equal legal rights under the same laws as others, and the ability to appeal. This has a various proscriptive impact at this time. …show more content…

The state Reconstruction truly states the experienced argument of the historians. The Republican rule were eliminated the proscriptive act was repealed. The West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals was pronounced nowhere else. When the ratification of the new constitution was done in 1873 there were three Democrats, James Paul, and the Confederate veterans John S. Hoffman and Alpheus F. Haymond, the joined the Democrat Charles P. T. Moore became a part of the highest court during the 1871 election. When Moore was elected in 1871, furthermore, there wasn’t a Republican seated until

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