Charles Mora was born on July 30th 1908. Mora never had a day off, even being born was work since maternity wards, drugs and obstetrical/gynecologists would only be available in the future. He was born to a family who believed in God, country and hard work. In the early 1900's work was tied to basic necessities of life, food, shelter, clothing. Work was not about luxuries in life, it was about survival. The average life expectancy was 47, 14 percent of homes had bath tubs, there were only 8000 cars and 144 miles of paved roads. The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower, the average wage was 22 cents an hour. The average worker made between $200 - $400 per year. An accountant would earn $2000 per year, a dentist $2,500, both occupations caused the client pain, but to be without either meant greater pain in the future. Most births took place at home (about 95%). Ninety percent of doctor’s had no college education, they attended so-called medical schools which were considered sub standard. A pound of Sugar cost four cents, eggs fourteen cents a dozen and coffee was fifteen cents a pound. Woman washed their hair once a month and used Borax or egg yolk for shampoo. Canada passed a law prohibiting poor people from …show more content…
Henry Ford was determined to create a car the average American could afford. This lead to the assembly line to lower production costs, this changed American society dramatically. Mora idealized Ford and his creative thinking and read anything he could on the man and his ideals. He took a job with Ford and proved to be a young man with vision and natural insights and innovations. He learned rapidly and decided to leave Ford in pursuit of his own fortune. He reasoned that with affordable transportation oil would be key to making the industrial wheels
He started work at a young age he started working in a textile mill. He moved up in the mill and went to work with his boss in the military then he came back he keep changing jobs and ended up in steel making. He wanted to dominate the steel industry so he became a compulsive liar. He didn’t have working skills but he had a gift of finding people with them he was more of a spokesperson. When he die he gave a lot of money away he was a distributer not a philanthropist he gave his money to support the public good like for meeting houses and libraries.
Known for creating the first assembly line for cars, Henry Ford reached his goal to create cars that most could afford. Without technological advancements in steel and other materials, the cars would take at least double the time to make. With them, more durable cars could be created for less money. This technological
They lived at the bottom of hilled areas, which were frequently flooded. The houses were unsafe and definitely not sanitary. In these families there were often eight or more children but in the parents eyes they saw it as more money to be earned for the family. Even though there were that many people in the families they still lived with many more in crowded houses that were often only 2-3 rooms. The houses that they lived in were made from iron, which is extremely hot in summer and almost unbearably cold in the winter months. Because there were so many people living in the houses, diseases were spread extremely easily. These diseases included whooping cough, tuberculosis and diphtheria. Even though today these diseases are easily curable, back in the 20th century there was limited medical knowledge and even if there were the poor wouldn’t be able to afford the
Henry Ford was a wise business man and the founder of Ford Motor company. Henry Ford was a revolutionary figure in America because he changed how industry was run and how America traveled.
Henry Ford revolutionized the way people traveled throughout the nation of the United States. A short time after the first model T rolled off of the assembly line, Mr. Ford found the need to create a vehicle that would ease the burden of caring for the horses that pulled the wagons and saved time for his fellow workers. The model T pickup was born! No more horses to care for, no more strapping the carriage to the horse, and defiantly no more poop to scoop. How did Mr. Ford create so much value for the people? By recognizing there was a need to take care of, a want to fulfill, and a demand to meet.
Henry Ford was a self-sufficient man, he is greatly known for initiating the era of mass consumption and mass production in the American economy. Not only did he create “Ford Motor Company” but he is also known for numerous other things such as creating the moving assembly line, high wages and sponsoring Americanization school for foreign workers so they could have a successful future.
Also, women found it very difficult to get jobs during this period because they were married and most employers didn’t want married women, so this resulted in a drastic turnover of domestic jobs. Later, women were allowed to work in some certain sectors of the economy and some did white collar jobs but not all due to race and class. The white women did most the white-collar jobs and the blue-collar jobs were left for the black society and immigrants. At the same time, gender inequality continued; despite the fact that they could do the professional jobs the pay was still very unequal. “They received, on average, only two-thirds of the salaries offered to men”(Srigley, 2005, pg.153). Immigrants and blacks did domestic jobs and left them from time to time as soon as their wages and working conditions worsened. Some of the married women could change their marital status because of their children; so garment industry and other domestic services employed them with minimum wages. In the US “Cleaning jobs, factory jobs and clerical jobs now filled by women” (Crosby, 2007). Women in the US around the depression era also did menial jobs like those in Canada. Education was another barrier in the labour market for women especially the blacks and immigrants. The little amount of women who were privileged to gain education were the
Henry Ford was a huge factor towards the progression of automobiles. He has done some great things towards the business and the world wouldn’t be the same without him. He made many great inventions in his lifetime. Some of them progressed into widely used inventions that people use on a daily basis, while a few died off into the abyss. While some of them weren’t used for long, a few of them are still being used today to make automobiles.
Henry Ford decided to take the risk of pursuing his dream of machines when he left the family farm in 1879 to work at a car company in Michigan. He believed he had more of an interest in machines than he did in farming, but his father thought differently. Ford’s father wanted him to follow his footsteps on the farm, but unfortunately, it did not turn out in his
Henry Ford was one of the most brilliant entrepreneurs in creating the automobile assembly line, it was his controversial characteristics and unorthodox approach towards administrating the Ford Motor Company which resulted in the conglomeration of one of the most successful corporations in the world. At the turn of the century everything was booming! The growth of the economy and stock market increased the job opportunities as well as morals. As a result of this industrial revolution, out of the woodwork came a humble yet driven man, Henry Ford. Between the five dollar/day plan, his policies on administrating the company, and his relations with his customers, Ford was often presented as a suspicious character. This
Henry Ford was an inventor at a young age. At 15 he reassembled his pocket watch his father gave him. He was an immigrant. The Ford’s didn’t grow up rich, they worked to help support their five children. Henry had always been dreaming of gasoline engines. So after earning his engineering degree in 1891. Ford became an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company hoping to support his family. After his devotion, time, and effort to the company in 1893, he was promoted to chief engineer. His dream had finally come true, he finally had earned enough money to experiment with gasoline engines. Exited he came home to tell his family, soon he would be working out of the family's garage. Pounding his head at 25, wrinkling up papers, Henry Ford
“Henry Ford the founder of the Ford Motor Company had a great vision, to create "a motor car for the great multitude. (Reference)" Thanks to the invention of the automotive assembly line his dream came true and many middle-class Americans
A man that went by the name of Henry Ford, once said, “I invented nothing new. I simply assembled the discoveries of other men behind whom were centuries of work…” The Ford Motor Company is an American continental automobile maker founded by Henry Ford on June 16, 1903. During the 1920s, this firm marketed automobiles that were reliable, low-cost, easy-to-operate and easier-to-fix device for the masses (Rise of the Automobile). In addition, the Ford Motor Company led the world into the expansion and refinement of the assembly line; revolutionizing our society to greater heights through its mobile products. Meanwhile, the company’s contributions benefited society through the means of the renovation of the suburbs and the invention of new services. Like no other during the 1920s, the Ford Motor Company supplied to the boom of innovations; marking its footprint to a superior society.
When you think about Ford, an automobile will usually come to mind. Most people don’t think about the man behind that name, Henry Ford. Henry Ford was the man responsible for the Ford Motor Company (FMC). He was also the creator of the invention that changed the mass production industry, the assembly line. As you read on you will learn about Henry Ford’s life, the FMC, and the assembly line.
The Henry Ford documentary is a biography that explains the determined and driven soul of Henry Ford. Henry Ford was a man raised on a small plantation in Michigan, where his family went back generations of only working on the farm. It was expected by his parents that all the children would follow tradition and work on the farm. But, Henry being the oldest and doing much of the work, got tired of the continuous strain of farming. He instead grew interest in machines that would make farm life easier for the family. His parents allowed him to grow in his fascination, where they let him slack in his chores and set him up a work bench in the kitchen. There he would disassemble watches and put them back together again. His father also understood his interest in machines, because Henry would study any machine he saw. In 1879 Henrys father let Henry move in with his aunt in Detroit when he turned 16; he was also set for a job there. Henry worked in many shops for a decade where he made a career known as an expert machinist. At 31 he was the chief engineer at Edison Illuminating Company where he pioneered electricity to many American cities. At this time the thought of horseless transportation was going through many people’s mind and whenever a magazine or newspaper would come out about it Henry Ford would always read and think about it. The topic would remind him of how it was on the farm where transporting any type of good was always hard, especially if you lived away from a