
Charles Mora Biography

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Charles Mora was born on July 30th 1908. Mora never had a day off, even being born was work since maternity wards, drugs and obstetrical/gynecologists would only be available in the future. He was born to a family who believed in God, country and hard work. In the early 1900's work was tied to basic necessities of life, food, shelter, clothing. Work was not about luxuries in life, it was about survival. The average life expectancy was 47, 14 percent of homes had bath tubs, there were only 8000 cars and 144 miles of paved roads. The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower, the average wage was 22 cents an hour. The average worker made between $200 - $400 per year. An accountant would earn $2000 per year, a dentist $2,500, both occupations caused the client pain, but to be without either meant greater pain in the future. Most births took place at home (about 95%). Ninety percent of doctor’s had no college education, they attended so-called medical schools which were considered sub standard. A pound of Sugar cost four cents, eggs fourteen cents a dozen and coffee was fifteen cents a pound. Woman washed their hair once a month and used Borax or egg yolk for shampoo. Canada passed a law prohibiting poor people from …show more content…

Henry Ford was determined to create a car the average American could afford. This lead to the assembly line to lower production costs, this changed American society dramatically. Mora idealized Ford and his creative thinking and read anything he could on the man and his ideals. He took a job with Ford and proved to be a young man with vision and natural insights and innovations. He learned rapidly and decided to leave Ford in pursuit of his own fortune. He reasoned that with affordable transportation oil would be key to making the industrial wheels

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