Intelligence is like a key, opening new doors and passages, unique ways of seeing the world. Intelligence makes people aware of their surroundings. Charlie Gordon, the main character in Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, started the story as an intellectually underdeveloped man who had an Intelligence Quotient of 68. He attends a night school for “ slow adults”, which is taught by Mrs. Kinnian . When Charlie is offered the opportunity to receive an experimental surgery, which claims that it will triple the participant’s Intelligence quotient, he accepts it. By receiving this surgery, Charlie made a pivotal discovery that helped science, matured emotionally , and saw the world from a whole new perspective. Therefore, In Flowers for Algernon …show more content…
One contribution Charlie made was simply acting as living proof of Doctors Nemur and Strauss’ experiment being a success. In his journal, Charlie wrote, “Algernon and I were presented to the American Psychological Association last Tuesday. We created quite a sensation. Dr. Nemur and Dr Strauss were proud of us.” (Keyes 199) During this influential event, Charlie and Algernon gain the approval of Doctors Nemur and Strauss, in addition to being quite memorable in the eyes of other attendees. The importance of this event further emphasizes the magnitude of this contribution that Charlie and Algernon made. In addition to being living proof of the doctor’s experiment, Charlie himself has a pivotal breakthrough. In his journal, Charlie writes, “The hypothesis here proven may be described simply in the following terms: Artificially increased intelligence deteriorates at a rate of time directly proportional to the quantity of the increase.” (Keyes 205) This discovery was important to the experiment because Charlie …show more content…
After watching a mentally handicapped dishwasher boy get teased for dropping his load, Charlie reflects on this event. That evening, he writes, “This day was good for me . Seeing the past more clearly.I have decided to use my knowledge and skills to work in the field of increasing human intelligence levels. Who is better equipped for this work? Who else has lived in both worlds ? These are my people. Let me use my gift to do something for them. “ ( Keyes 202) Charlie is now looking past his initial mission statement of , “After the operashun Im gonna try to be smart.” (Keyes 185 ). Instead, he is now focusing on the greater good and wants to help other people who struggle with having low intelligence levels. A second way that this operation changed Charlie’s perspective would be how Charlie Gordon viewed his friends. At the start of the story, pre-operation Charlie is not aware of who his friends were. While working at the factory, charlie’s friends would make jokes, some of them rather cruel, about Charlie. At that time Charlie is oblivious, saying, “ Sometimes somebody will say hey look at Joe or Frank or George he really pulled a Charlie Gordon. I dont know why they say that but they always laff” (Keyes 188) At the middle of the story,
Journal Entry 1, Pages 1-15 Starting off, I can already predict this book is going to be very controversial with the whole topic of whether or not science should be allowed to “play the role of God”. So far I believe Charlie is a very likable and friendly character. I also believe due to his mental state he is very vulnerable. I agree strongly with Prof Nemur when he said, “We will use Charlie.
Once Charlie was at his full capacity of an IQ of 204, he decided not to let his intelligence go to waste. He chose to study in the field of artificial intelligence. In the text it says “Tomorrow, I will discuss with Dr. Strauss the manner in which I can work in this area. I may be able to help him work out the problems of widespread use of the technique used on me. I have good ideas of my own.” (Keyes 238). This quote goes to show that Charlie was going to and did contribute to the real world and science, by coming up with ideas and solving problems. This saved so many people from disappointment. Charlie really did help many people in science and the real
[Keyes, 299] As an intelligent member of society, Charlie has a certain moment when he becomes frustrated once he understands the world he lives in, when he thinks of how “Before, they laughed at [him] and despised [him] for [his] ignorance and dullness; now, they hate [him] for [his] knowledge and understanding. [Keyes, 293]” These emotionally alienated members of society believe that they can alienate themselves, believing they can be happy alone. This happens very often. Society, in this way, doesn’t like to own up to their pain, and as such, alienates themselves. In this way, they connect to Charlie
A study was done on aIntellectual disable person to enhance his intelligence. The experiment had a positive feedback, but after months, it resulted for the individual to go back to his original state. In the novel, Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes, this brilliant operation was done on Charlie Gordon. Slowly after the operation, Charlie became extremely bright, but experienced more loneliness, and physiological sadness. In the past, Charlie thought intelligence would mean that he would be normal and would gain many friends. The reason why he was so determined to do this operation we to be accepted by society. The theme of loneliness is expressed though the quote, “The more intelligent you become the more problems you'll have, Charlie. Your intellectual growth is going to outstrip your emotional growth. And I think you'll find that as you progress, there will be many things you'll want to talk to me about” (Keyes 47). This quotation foreshadows the irony of what happen to Charlie, and focuses on the need for balance between emotion and intellect. Charlie Gordon was determined to become smart so that he can gain skills and make friends so that he would not reach his ultimate fear of loneliness. In spite of that, he decided to go an operation that changed his mindset and
If we look at how he made a scientific breakthrough just think about it. Charlie was the first human to have a successful brain operation that made him learn quicker and overall smarter than he was. Through the course of the book, toward the middle Charlie is at his mental peak, he begins to write a paper titled the Algernon-Gordon effect. As the readers of the book we don’t know what is exactly written in that paper so we will have
surgery also allowed Charlie to see the world from a brand new perspective. Prior to raising his I.Q. Charlie only saw the simplistic parts of the world, After tripling his I.Q. though he was able to see the world from a new point of view. This change was like looking at a wall, and then seeing every molecule and atom that makes up that wall. The book shows some of his “discoveries” in the quote “How strange it is that people of honest feelings and sensibility who would not take advantage of a man born without arms, or legs, or eyes- how such people think nothing of abusing a man born with low intelligence.” (Keyes 237) With this surgery, Charlie was able to gain awareness of the world, and the bullying around him. Without this surgery Charlie would have lived the rest of his life as a walking joke to those around him.
Charlie Gordon, narrator of the progress reports in Daniel Keyes’s Flowers for Algernon, has an intellectual growth that can be depicted as a one year old boy who becomes an extravagant 20 year old scholar in the matter of weeks. In the beginning of the story, Charlie Gordon is a student at Beekman College as a ‘mentally delayed adult,’ accompanied by his IQ (intelligence quotient) of 68. He is then selected to undergo an operation to artificially increase his intelligence similar to the successful attempt on a lab mouse, Algernon. Learning new things every day, Gordon has surpassed many people by his IQ level. This growth has gotten to the point—as seen in Algernon’s experiment—that his cerebral level will then deteriorate at the same rate as the increase. Once Charlie reaches that point, he has regressed further
The doctors, Dr. Nemur and Dr. Struass, didn’t think of how Charlies life would change after his intelligence wore off. They tested the surgery on rats but most of them died. There was only one rat that showed signs of the intelligence, Algernon. Since only one rat had the intelligence, they thought that testing
“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things”, -Henry Miller. When one reads this quote, it may have a different meaning to them than to others. To Charlie Gordon, it practically defines his life journey. In the shorty story “Flowers for Algernon”, Charlie Gordon is a main who obtains an IQ of 68, and desires to be smart. Charlie finally gets his dream one day by partaking in an intelligence enhancing operation. His perspective of life is much different before and after the surgery. Although Charlie seems happy before the surgery, Charlie is able to apprehend reality through a “pair of new eyes”, regarding the operation. Three arguments why Charlie’s emotions are happier following the surgery are: He learns about lies he had in life, Charlie had a positive learning experience, and Charlie discerns his full potential.
In “flowers for Algernon” Charlie Gordon should not have had the surgery because it only made him isolated. Without the surgery Charlie would not have to go through that pain. Charlie lost friends that he thought were close to him but they were actually not his friends. It opened his eyes to see why everyone was saying “pulled a Charlie Gordon.” For him to know that they were making fun of him. He always thought Frank and Joe were his friends but he was always wrong about them and he finally found out the real meaning towards “pulled a Charlie Gordon”
Charlie comes across some doctors that say they want to do an experiment on him that will make him smarter. He is all for it. The doctors names are Dr. Strauss and Dr. Nemur. This experiment is significant because Charlie would really like more friends and doesn't want people to think he is dumb.
I dont know why they say that but they always laff” (p.273.) This shows Charlie doesn’t understand that they are making fun of him and, in this case, that is a good thing. Somebody else might also think that this is an important experiment for science and it could have a huge impact on the future. Again, this is true, but nothing like that is worth risking an innocent and mentally challenged life.
“Flower for Algernon” is an outstanding story about a Man named Charlie Gordon with an I.Q. of 68, and a small white mouse named Algernon who can beat Charlie in any maze. The story begins when Charlie's Support teacher, Miss Kinnian, advise Charlie to do an experiment that Dr.Nemur and Dr.Strauss believe that a surgical operation could possibly have Charlie's I.Q. raise up triple the amount it was once before. In the beginning, it was a thank took months for success to happen in the experiment.However, the success was only temporary. Charlie with once with an I.Q. of a genius know back to his original self.
People believe that after the surgery Charlie was still happy. In the story Flowers for Algernon Charlie says, "The first I knew of it was when Mr. Donnegan showed me the petition. Eight hundred and forty names, everyone connected with the factory, except Fanny Girden. Scanning the list quickly, I saw at once that hers was the only missing name. All the rest demanded that I be fired,"(Keyes).They think that Charlie was happy that he made a difference in the world of science.
One reason is that Charlie fell in love, love is a great thing and there's nothing better then feeling love and, that is just