
Charlie Monologue

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Sticking two black button eyes on our snowman, I turned and gave Charlie a high-five. "Finished!" I said. "And there's not a finer snowman in the whole neighborhood." But Charlie wasn't looking at me. He was staring at the snowman, his face almost as white.

"D-d-d-did you s-s-s-see THAT?" he stammered.
Right as he said this I looked up and saw the snowman wink at me. I stumbled backwards into a snow drift. Then something incredible happened, the snowman came over to me. He didn't walk he just rolled kind of. The snowman had a kind face. I call out for Charlie, but he had still not moved, it was like he was frozen in time.

Then it hit me, not literally but a thought formed in my head. What if Charlie's spirit had transferred to the snowman. …show more content…

A pushed him up to his body and tried to force him back in his body. Non of this worked. By this time I was getting freaked out. What was I going to tell my mom. I was sure she wouldn't believe that he was a snowman. Then I felt something cold hit my arm.

I turned around and saw a pack of bullies coming towards us. This couldn't be good. I picked up a snow ball ready to throw but then hundreds of snow ball flew over my head. Charlie had pointed his hand a snowballs were flying out. The bullies ran back screaming. Then an idea hit me literally. It was a snowball. If I took off the top of the snowman and chucked it at Charlie maybe it would turn him back into Charlie.

As I told Charlie the plan his eyes lit up. I carefully removed the top and got ready to throw it. As my arm came back I aimed and fired it at Charlie. There was a huge cloud of snow and a long pause. Then I got tacked by Charlie. He was talking a mile a minute. Then we both promised never to speak a word about this. As we walked home I saw a button through the snow cloud. Then I turned and ran. I wasn't getting caught by the snowman. Who knows how mad he would be about me throwing his head. This experience was one of my favorite memory's as a kid but don't forget about the time I fell into a wolf den, but that is a different

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