Sticking two black button eyes on our snowman, I turned and gave Charlie a high-five. "Finished!" I said. "And there's not a finer snowman in the whole neighborhood." But Charlie wasn't looking at me. He was staring at the snowman, his face almost as white.
"D-d-d-did you s-s-s-see THAT?" he stammered.
Right as he said this I looked up and saw the snowman wink at me. I stumbled backwards into a snow drift. Then something incredible happened, the snowman came over to me. He didn't walk he just rolled kind of. The snowman had a kind face. I call out for Charlie, but he had still not moved, it was like he was frozen in time.
Then it hit me, not literally but a thought formed in my head. What if Charlie's spirit had transferred to the snowman.
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A pushed him up to his body and tried to force him back in his body. Non of this worked. By this time I was getting freaked out. What was I going to tell my mom. I was sure she wouldn't believe that he was a snowman. Then I felt something cold hit my arm.
I turned around and saw a pack of bullies coming towards us. This couldn't be good. I picked up a snow ball ready to throw but then hundreds of snow ball flew over my head. Charlie had pointed his hand a snowballs were flying out. The bullies ran back screaming. Then an idea hit me literally. It was a snowball. If I took off the top of the snowman and chucked it at Charlie maybe it would turn him back into Charlie.
As I told Charlie the plan his eyes lit up. I carefully removed the top and got ready to throw it. As my arm came back I aimed and fired it at Charlie. There was a huge cloud of snow and a long pause. Then I got tacked by Charlie. He was talking a mile a minute. Then we both promised never to speak a word about this. As we walked home I saw a button through the snow cloud. Then I turned and ran. I wasn't getting caught by the snowman. Who knows how mad he would be about me throwing his head. This experience was one of my favorite memory's as a kid but don't forget about the time I fell into a wolf den, but that is a different
I was on my wonderful trip at disney world enjoying some time at the rock ‘n’ roller coaster. When i had a great idea to go to the it's a small world ride because it was indoor and it was really cold out here since it was the winter. I started and the dolls were singing,as I continued down the water. Then I saw a rat, but since I was in disney world and their mascot is a mouse, I thought I would say “Meeska mooska Mickey Mouse!” Since that's what they said say in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Then, all of a sudden the floor dropped beneath me and I fell in a room of dolls.
But it was different, it was a memory of his own. Trying to keep themselves warm in the cold weather, Jonas struggled to see through the swirling white snow, but sense warmth and life ahead. Reaching the top of the hill, he saw a sled waiting for him. He got on with Gabe, tugging on the ropes and hugging him close. The snow soon became soft and powdery with no ice, no chance of falling, and no pain. He took a leap of faith and started going down, still holding Gabe tight
He turned to look at me and grinned down making me suddenly feel cold despite the heat.
We put on our snow pants and jackets on and then finally our helmets. I backed out of the driveway, and we took off down the snowmobile trail. I looked off the edge of the road and realized that there was quite a big ditch, and also that the trail became very narrow up ahead. My dad was riding in front of me and I noticed that when he reached where the road narrowed, his left ski fell off the trail and started pulling him into the ditch. He simply leaned to his right side to pull it back up. No big deal. I now knew the ditch was a danger and tried my best to avoid it. I swung my snowmobile onto
It snowed outside We couldn't get in the car Mom locked the car door We pulled out an umbrella
should have a snowman building contest,” my brother mentioned, and so we did. I gave my
Now, we move on to a kid named Charlie, Charlie has had a excellent life so far and he also lives in the town of Snowton and of course, heard the
It was a cold morning in February.Not to mention it was Valentine's Day. A fresh blanket of snow glistened as the sun rose higher up into the sky. My sister had told me that there was a fresh snow outside, as she was telling me, I slowly got out of bed for breakfast. I remember the smell of warm pancakes hanging around the air. I walked into the kitchen seeing Mom making her fluffy homemade pancakes, Madison asked me if I wanted to play in the snow. I told no because I didn’t like the cold. But after an hour of nagging, I finally caved and told her I would go. I put my oversized coat that made me look like I was a marshmallow. As Madison and I went outside, a gush of freezing cold wind blew into our faces. My eyes immediately started to water to water. It felt like I walked into the world largest freezer. We walked down the snow covered porch then onto the ground. I picked up some of the powdery snow and just looked at it. Looking to see all the individual snowflakes. My sister wanted to make a snow fort and asked if I could get the snow shovel out of the back of the truck. I picked up the shovel looking at it’s sharp blade like edges. Madison had piled all of the snow for her fort. She had threw a snowball at me and I laughed. I bent down to pick up a snowball to throw back at her. When I stood back up, the unexpected had happened. Madison had hit me with the sharp edge of the shovel into my face. I blacked out for a couple of seconds. When I woke back up, I saw the blood
When I looked at what Charlie was looking at I could not believe it. The snowman was alive! How can that be. Me and Charlie looked at each other with are white pal faces and dropped open mouths. When could not believe this there is no way that the snowman could be alive we must be a dream. Then after a few seconds the snowman put out its hand well his stick arm. He wants us to shake his hand I thought this can not be happening there is no
The flurries of snow made my vision blurred outside of my car window, so we made the decision that we needed to find a place to park. The closest area to pull off of the road, was directly next to an enormous frozen river. We then parked the vehicle near the river, and then out of nowhere, one of my friends immediately jumped out of my car and sped off. The rest of us were left in bewilderment by our friend's actions, we quickly decided that we needed to find him as soon as possible. Our search was a quick one, because our daredevil of a friend could be easily seen frolicking across the frozen river. Before we knew it he had fallen through a thin ice patch. The only thing keeping him from being swept underneath this massive block of ice, was his death grip with his fidgety hands. As his body was submerged, my remaining friends then carefully made their way over to him and they pulled him out before anything else could go wrong. They rushed him over to me while I started up the car and got the heater going for him. Once they arrived, we then stripped him of his clothes, wrapped him in a blanket, and drove him to my house where he could take a hot shower that he most desperately needed. After he got done in the shower and warmed his body up, he then told us a few
My friends and I had just finished one of our summer soccer practice workouts. We were all drenched in sweat as it was a hot summer day, and there was no shade at the school where we had practice at. My one friend Liam suggested that we go to a rope swing randomly, and ironically I knew of a place not to far from where we lived that had one. So Liam and I went since the rest did not want to go. We soon arrived at the rope swing. I made him swim out to the middle of the creek to get the rope. He commented on how cold the creek was, and brought the rope to the shore. There is a dead tree that extends out over the creek that I climbed up with the rope in hand. I went to the very end of the dead tree then jumped. I swung out over the creek and let go of the rope. I then hit the water. I was instantly paralyzed by the sheer coldness of the water. After I swam back to shore we left because neither of us wanted to go back in the ice water. So we went to my Liam’s uncle’s restaurant for ice cream then went home after that.
My father starts the snowmobile up, and we took off. We drove through the trails we made in the woods. Creating new tracks every time we went around. We then pop out of the trail onto Arlene Drive. It's once gravel road was layered with snow and ice. *I could feel the wind blowing across my smooth face and the cold trying to fight it's way into my warmth. I glanced down at the speedometer, we were going a comfortable speed. I peer over my shoulder to look at the heavy snow holding trees.They started to moving faster and faster.*The wind started to blow louder in my ears. I
down i went the visor that my mom had set up lefty my mouth and i came crashing into the snow and ice i started trying to breath it was hard almost impossible “ nooo” i tryed to scream but my voice woud improve then the chill hit me full blast worse than when i walked out of the airport i thought i am going to die
I said, that’s a good thing! Exclaiming, sheeeit, aint nothin special bout it. Be my turn to be off fur Christmas! I better hurry up then, and blitz out the door. I sprayed the trunk opening and the door handles. Around the headlights and taillights. Opened the door and popped the trunk. Had to force it open to cracked the ice loose. Reached in and grabbed a pair of old leather gloves, opened the suitcase grabbed a towel an wrapped it around my head. Got a sweater. Put my gun in my jacket. Closed the trunk. Used the scrape to knock the ice and snow off the taillights and head lights. Sprayed the back window, side windows, side mirrors and the spray ports for the window washer. Rushed back to the
I glance up at the figure in front of me. His smile was soft, like petals caught in a breeze. It was just enough to allow a gleam of white and a slight dimple in his left cheek.