"Well, we're going to try a different tactic to bring the information out of you since nothing else seems to work . . . " "Bring it on." "Since the information you possess must be important to our Association, we'll have to lock you up." The smallest muscle twitched in Charmaine's sharp jaw. It was faint, but I noticed it. "So . . . what good will that do?" Charmaine scoffed. "Well, we have different experiments we'll perform while you're here, hopefully getting the information out of you,” Aria paused and chuckled, “at first they will be experiments. If the experiment doesn’t work, then we have another form that we’ll use to get it out of you. By the time that we improve the machine if it didn’t work the first time and if you haven’t said …show more content…
A shower. You mean a shower?" "If that's what you Ultramarine people call it. Harry will escort you to the . . . 'showers'. Your evening meal will be sent to you through that slot." Aria told Charmaine. I watched as Aria and Brian walked through the clear force field. Charmaine approached the force field and placed her hand on it. It blocked her from exiting. She frowned. Aria turned toward me. "We're trusting you, Harry." I nodded. Aria told Brian to follow her. That might be the first and last time I would see Brian. They might just bring him down to a lower position instead of extricating him or killing him. Once Aria and Brian were out of sight, Charmaine cleared her throat. "So, Harry . . . I'm Charmaine--if you didn't already know. You're the newbie here, aren't you? I've been here so many times I feel like I've seen every escort person and interrogator. Well, I've never been locked up before. But I've been questioned far too many times," she laughed lightly, "I don't know why they bother anymore." She sighed lightly. "So . . . what about you?" She asked. I stared at the wall in front of me. Don't speak. "I think I like Brian better. He actually talks to …show more content…
She never told me how to unlock the force field. Minutes later, a humming sound filled the room and the force field was removed. I received a message on my port from Aria: The force field will automatically reappear once she crosses back into her chamber. Message me whenever she needs to go to the bathroom or for her nightly cleaning. I grabbed Charmaine's arm. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, not so rough buddy," she complained, yanking her arm away. I led her to the restrooms. There were no windows inside, so she couldn't escape. I stood outside the door, waiting for her to come back out. How long does it take to-- The door swung open and Charmaine sprinted out. I called out her name and bolted after her. My legs were slightly longer than hers, but this girl could run. Unfortunately for her, she turned into a dead end. I grabbed her arm as she let out a groan in disappointment, "it was worth a shot," she murmured. "And I really did go to the bathroom." "Mhmm," I groaned, becoming mildly annoyed. We quickly approached her chamber and I pushed her inside. The force field reappeared; just like Aria had told me. "Well. I'm going to go to sleep since I have nothing better to
“Where are we? The last thing I remember was your bulldog’s barking and footsteps. Wait! That means that other people have escaped the force fields! But why would they kidnap us? And I remember something about being watched…Right! I‘ve been meaning to ask you. You knew we were being watched, but you didn’t tell me about it, why?" she asked, trying to piece together the fragments of memories
run. She sprinted out of the house. Out of breath, she saw something behind her. It was a tall
"How about we make a deal? You go to this meeting and I agree to tell you."
“I guess you’re right,” he said, dumbfounded. “But you have to promise, that if I tell you anything about me, you will never breathe a word of it to anyone.”
“Will you shut the fuck up? This place is loud enough without you going on and on,” I yelled. His eyes focused on me for the first time and they softened slightly. I got this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach as his unusually dark eyes stared into mine. I stood, I just couldn't deal with this right now. “Thanks, Zarra, but I need to get away from all this.” I made a beeline for the door.
"No," Hannah grunted, breath driven out of her lungs by the effort of pistoning her legs against the floor. Even over the linoleum of the hospital hallway, it was still an effort to drag the body of her patient. Too heavy to carry and there wasn 't a small gurney available to put him on, it was either drag him or try to push him and a full sized hospital bed down the hallway. There were too many obstacles in the way, too great a chance she 'd get stuck and have to abandon him. If that happened, Hannah didn 't know what she 'd do. It would make everything seem worthless and like she 'd failed. "No," she grunted again and continued to drag the man. A sheet knotted into a loop was across his toned, muscular bare chest and it ran under his
Jets, ships, tanks, and helicopters were everywhere. Anele was scared and she knew she needed to help the government destroy the aliens. Anele climbed a tall building and fired shots at one of the aliens ships. It fell and crashed into thousands of people below. She couldn't believe what had happened and got angry with the aliens. Her fists bawled up and her eyes shot blue rays in the sky. As she turned her head and shot crystals from her hands she hit one of the government's helicopters on accident. She leaped into the air and landed on the crashing helicopter and reached in. She grabbed an officer and held onto him tight and landed safely back onto the ground. She put him down and continued firing into the air. “Are you alright?” she asked as she looked back over he shoulder, only to realize who it was. Sergeant Johnson was standing with his gun pointed at her. “You don’t want to do this.” she yelled. “I knew you were the one behind it all!” He exclaimed while he hit her to the ground. Anele flew back up and noticed a incoming laser from an alien's ship pointing right at Sergeant Johnson’s head. “Dad watch out!” yelled Jack from the distance. Anele flung herself forward grabbing Johnson by the vest. Jack rushed over to see his father when Anele landed. Johnson stood up and gave Anele a dirty look and continued on his way back to the prison. “This isn’t over, you little devil!” Anele holds her anger in and falls to her knees. [At that very moment.
“No because,that is pretty risky if we get caught we will go to jail for life.”
Our value for the magnetic field is different than the USGS value for Fayetteville because the USGS value is an average for all of Fayetteville, and we measured it at one particular spot. Though it is not included in this report, we also measured the actual field at the location of the solenoid, and our value was within 10% of that value. Any deviation from the actual value of the field can be attributed to stray fields near the solenoid, and the shielding nature of the SCEN building.
Harry had just gotten that all out and Elle reported all systems were fine. Harry chuckled, “Thank you, Elle.”
“This is private property and I know that's not all you’re looking for so unless you tell me the truth then i’m taking you to our holding cells where you’ll meet our leader of this country.”
Prominence’s control over their electromagnetic field hadn’t needed to wobble for more than a fraction of a second. Galvatron had been close enough to pick up on it. He had let it be, more important things on his mind right then, and Prominence had been relieved. Maybe he hadn’t caught it, they’d thought. No such luck, as it turned out.
It’s a Sunday afternoon, the sky is attractive and the sun scotching. The radio playing country music as a cowboy movie in the late 1900’s. The windows open, a fresh air blew under my eyes like an old air conditioning exposed to heat. My sun glasses pasted on my face. My eyes widely open enjoying the view of the train passing. My lips slightly exposed as I digest in the real scent of a sandwich coming straight of the greatest bakery store in the United Kingdom. I could hear people blowing their horns, I lifted my eyes and all I can see is a long row of cars at the entrance of Stone Mountain Park. At our turn, a nice white lady greeted us with a cute voice and ask for our parking permit there I noticed a long and an awesome day was awaiting
In the standpoint of economic consequences, costs incurred by schizophrenia are all tunnelled down to society and public sector. Cost proposed by Mangalore and Knapp (2007) was £6.7billion in 2004/05 where society and public bear 4.7million and 2million respectively. With respect to this, follow up estimation in 2010 from LSE showed a rough 3-fold increase with £11.8 billion of societal cost and £7.2 billion on public sector. This study might have a more realistic outlook with additional inclusion of tax forgone as taxation has major role in country’s economy and funding of public sectors such as NHS in England. Both studies showed that the key ‘driver’ costs are inpatient hospitalisation and unemployment.
The colour of her eyes restores to the sea-green I know so well. Everything about her returns to her benevolent self