
Charter School Goals

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Organizations and leaders are more successful when they have clearly outlined goals and objectives. This has been a very large part of the current success of the charter school. As a board we have been able to define and include in the charter application what the goals and objectives for the school are. This has created a trust in the school and families are signing their students up in record numbers even before the school is built. (Mahdinezhad, Bin Suandi, Daud bin Silong , Omar 2013) I strongly believe in motivating others to be the best they can be and to use positive reinforcement to inspire those that work for and with me. I try very hard to recognize the efforts of others and acknowledge those efforts. In my work and volunteer work I don’t have the ability to reward with any type of compensation or incentive so being able to make others feel appreciated and needed is very important to my success. Working with volunteer host families that do a lot to help students during their year need to feel like their contribution to the program is needed and necessary. Host families get the added benefit of having strong bonds with their students but to get families to host more than once it is important to get them to feel vested and part of the program. Helping host families feel like they are getting an extra reward for hosting …show more content…

Every year the students and host families I have changes but the schools and administrators stay the same. In order to keep these relationships strong and to be able to continue to place students at these schools I need to create and maintain a consistent program for the schools. That means working closely with students and host families to help them understand the expectations and requirements at each school. This has been challenging but has paid off as I have been working with the same schools without issue for over five years. (Miller

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