
Chdi Case Study

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Background of Study
Complications from surgery can cause an increase in patient suffering, increase the number of days confined in the hospital, escalation in health care costs and in serious cases, even cause death. Surgical site infections (SSIs) as a complication in surgery remain a serious concern for healthcare providers, including physicians, nurses, hospital administrators and even insurers who are liable for health care costs incurred in the hospital. SSIs, which increases the risk of patient mortality, often requires prolonged treatment and results in economic burden, have dire implications for the facility, surgeons, and more importantly for the patient (Kapadia, Johnson, Daley, Issa, & Mont, 2013). Kapadia et al. (2013) …show more content…

Methods of Study
The authors collected data for their study by utilizing and reviewing the facility’s reporting tool and database for patients who had primary total hip arthroplasty and also patients who required a re-opening and revision of hip arthroplasty. The researchers elected to use this method as it allowed them to identify patients with the more serious incisional or deep wound preprosthetic infections and reviewing from the same time period, compared this to a database that recorded patients using the CHG skin preparation method, which is the independent variable in this study and those who did not. Between January 01, 2007 and December 31, 2011, surgeons promoted the use of the skin preparation protocol, the application of CHG cloths the night before and morning of surgery. To verify compliance, patients affixed adhesive labels from the prep packages to an instruction sheet. Furthermore, nurses interviewed the patients on the day of their procedure about appropriate use of the CHG prep cloths. All patients received the facility’s standard skin preparation procedure, which was prepping the operative site with a mixed solution 74% isopropyl alcohol and of 0.7% iodine solution (Kapadia et al., 2013). In addition, all patients received the surgeon’s standard post-operative care protocol.

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