
Cheating Is A Decision Made By The Individual Student Essay

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Many students of today may or may not choose to cheat. Cheating is a decision made by the individual student. The universal academic definition for cheating is obtaining or attempting to obtain answers or information towards your work from either a classmate or a different resource such as the internet. Cheating can even be giving information or answers to another individual in hope of them receiving credit for the work they did not do on their own. In all if the answer or information did not come from your own knowledge and understanding then it is considered cheating. Students do not cheat just solely one reason, the action of cheating can be cause by several of reasons. Students may cheat because of their lack in memory of long lectures, or their little to none learning resources given to them by their school, they may even cheat because of time management issues and heavy workloads. Karl max came up with the conflict theory, separating the haves and the have nots. The students who cheat are most likely to be the have nots and the students who don’t are most likely to be the haves. The philosopher and social scientist from the Nineteenth century Karl Max, came up with a theory that would have a massive impact on the study of society. The conflict theory claims that society is in a state of perpetual conflict due to competition for limited resources. Which are the haves and the have nots. The haves have a great opportunity of

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